Fixed bug where certain pitch values in "Innaccurate Fly to Location Longitude Latitude Height" cause gimbal lock. Fixed a bug that caused a graphical glitch by using 16-bit indices when 32-bit indices are needed. Fixed a bug where tileset metadata from a feature table was not decoded corre...
Fixed a bug that caused newly-created sub-levels to have their longitude and latitude parameters flipped relative to the current location of theCesiumGeoreference. Assets4 Loading 03 Jan 02:33 nithinp7 v1.21.0-ue4 8e65171 Compare Cesium for Unreal v1.21.0 (Unreal Engine 4) ...
Bugfix: Fixed an issue with Path Following Component for “Has Reached” not using the Goal’s Radius when “Use Nav Agent Goal Location” is set to false. When “Use Nav Agent Goal Location” is set to true, we want to avoid using the Goal’s location on the navmesh, but instead ...
The first step will be to move your current viewpoint to the location where you want the flythough path to start, then click the Camera icon button in the Sequencer controls, which will create a new camera and set it as the current camera cut. Then begin by creating the first the key...
rotatorNew RotationNew rotation of the component relative to its parent booleanSweepWhether we sweep to the destination (currently not supported for rotation). booleanTeleportWhether we teleport the physics state (if physics collision is enabled for this object). If true, physics velocity for this ...
UCLASS() class AMyActor : public AActor { GENERATED_BODY() UPROPERTY() int32 MyIntProp; UPROPERTY() USphereComponent* MyCollisionComp; AMyActor() { MyIntProp = 42; MyCollisionComp = CreateDefaultSubobject<USphereComponent>(FName(TEXT("CollisionComponent")); MyCollisionComp->RelativeLocation =...
Unity's workflow is based on prefabs. In Unity you build a set of GameObjects with components, then create a prefab from them. You can then place instances of the prefab in your world, or instantiate them at runtime. Unity的工作流程是基于prefabs的,我们创建一系列具有组件的GameObjects,然后通...
MyCollisionComp->RelativeLocation = FVector::ZeroVector; MyCollisionComp->SphereRadius = 20.0f; } }; In the constructor of AMyActor, we have set the default property values for the class. Note the use of the CreateDefaultSubobject function. We can use it to create components and assign def...
These resources now live on a new community-run Unreal Engine Community Wiki —! You will be able to find content from the official Unreal Engine Wiki, where we’re working closely with the curators to ensure a complete mirror of the le...
The first step will be to move your current viewpoint to the location where you want the flythough path to start, then click the Camera icon button in the Sequencer controls, which will create a new camera and set it as the current camera cut. Then begin by creating the first the key...