一、用别的CameraActor来实现 因为Dynamic Pawn的 Camera组件是受Pawn控制的,那我们用一个新的CameraActor来实现。在环顾一周前,让Player的View为CameraActor的View,然后CameraActor环顾一周,最后把View还原为Pawn的View. 实现要点如下: 1.1 用Tween Maker插件来实现Rotate操作,确保插件启用,并在Outliner中添加TweenManag...
Leave Camera Rotation - 如果选中该项,相机将会聚焦到Focus对象的左侧。 Rotate Player With Camera -如果选中该项,旋转后聚焦到对象上的相机将影响玩家的旋转度。 Text Display - 如果需要,该项用于当相机聚焦到Focus对象时设置要显示的文本。 Toggle God mode - 如果选中该项,当相机聚焦到Focus对象时将会启...
private static float findOutCanSeeAngleOffset( CameraController config, float offset_delta, float offset_limit, System.Func<float, Vector3> vec_rotate_func, Vector3 source_p, Vector3 target_p, bool negative_rotate, out float collision_distance) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 然后再通过上面...
You can continue to move/rotate your camera while game logic is PAUSED in Unreal Engine. Unfortunately, it’s a little obscure to set up so here is a quick overview with C++. PlayerController::bShouldPerformFullTickWhenPaused(true)// Allows Camera Updates during PlayerController Tick. UWorld:...
If you have lost sight of the camera, press the F key to focus on it. 如果你找不到自己的摄像机了,可以按“F键”来重新对焦。 Next, activate the rotation manipulator by pressing the E key. Rotate the camera down to -60 degrees on the Y-axis. ...
Viewport: Contains a preview mesh that will display your material instance. Rotate the camera by holding left-click and moving your mouse. Zoom by scrolling your mouse wheel. 视口:包含了一个预览网格的地方,这里将显示你的材质实例。通过按住鼠标左键并移动鼠标来旋转相机。通过滚动鼠标滑轮来缩放。
You can also select items with the laser, but the thumbstick or touchpad overrides the laser.Rotate Quick MenuQuick menu summoning and dismissing functionality is mostly the same, but the laser is now hidden while the quick menu is visible to reduce visual clutter....
OpenDoorWithLerp Update OpenDoorWithLerp.cpp Jul 18, 2022 PickupAndRotateActor removed CoreMinimal.h to speed up compile times Sep 30, 2018 RotateActorAroundPlayer removed CoreMinimal.h to speed up compile times Sep 30, 2018 RotateActorAroundWithRotation removed CoreMinimal.h to speed up compile ti...
变形目标1 WPO(Morph Target 1 WPO)变形目标1的全局位置偏移。 变形目标2 WPO(Morph Target 2 WPO)变形目标2的全局位置偏移。 Wind Wind函数针对风力、速度乘以时间以及规范化风矢量提供了单独的输出。 项目说明 输入 风Actor(矢量4)(WindActor (Vector4))接收风Actor(开发中)...
Enable Combined Translate/Rotate Tool(启用组合的 平移/旋转 工具) 如果启用该项,当使用 空格键 循环切换变换控件时将会在Uniform Scale(非均匀缩放)工具后面包含组合的平移和旋转-Z工具。 Clicking BSP Selects Brush(点击BSP选中画刷) 如果选中该项,点击BSP表面选中画刷,并且按下 Ctrl + Shift + 点击 选中表...