另外,当一个对象被配置了 master pose component 的时候,RefreshBoneTransforms这个函数就不会被回调,引擎会直接使用 master pose component 的 transform 数据。 这里的RefreshBoneTransforms需要每个继承了USkinnedMeshComponent的类型自行实现,用以更新骨骼的位置。除此之外,USkeletalMeshComponent也重写了TickPose,在里面调...
The Set Master Pose Component function has a second parameter of the boolean type called Force Update . If Force Update is disabled, it will skip updating all runtime info if that info is the same as the Master Component. If Force Update is enabled, it will force the updating of the...
更新:为 MasterPoseComponent 增加了对 UPoseableMeshComponent 的基本支持。 错误修复:在 UAnimSequence 和 USkeletalMesh 中修复了专属 GetResourceSize 报告中的重复计数内存问题。 导航 使ARecastNavMesh::OnNavMeshGenerationFinished 虚拟化,以便游戏专用 ARecastNavMesh 派生类能轻松响应事件。 从NavigationData 类...
TheSet Master Pose Componentfunction has a second input pin calledForce Updatethat can be used to skip updating all runtime info if that info is the same as the Master Component or force the updating of the runtime info. This only applies to the registration process as that can be serializ...
4.今天遇到一个蛋疼的bug,我把眼镜(skeletal mesh)挂载在另外一个skeletalmesh上,并且设置glass set master pose component to avatar。然后发现当镜头拉近后,眼镜不见了,只有镜头在远处的才能看到眼镜。经过排查发现,首先不是直觉认为的近裁剪面的问题,后来在某博士的提醒下,注意到bouding box的问题,当把一个skelet...
ar.PoseComponentDebugMode Debug mode for AR pose component, see EPoseComponentDebugMode ar.QRCodeComponentDebugMode Debug mode for AR QR code component, see EQRCodeComponentDebugMode AssetManager.DumpAssetRegistryInfo Dumps extended info about asset registry to log ...
New: Added two appropriately named functions to the AI Perception Component The functions for "Get Currently Perceived Actors" and “Get Known Perceived Actors” have replaced the ambiguously named “Get Perceived Actors”. New: Made AI Sight sense's collision channel configurable via the AI System...
Fixed!UE-59957 MasterPoseComponent can be chained, breaking assumptions about master pose. Bad poses or crashes resulting. Fixed!UE-60546 Crash calling Set Sound Wave on Synth Sample Player component in blueprint Fixed!UE-60471 Synth Sample Player’s Set Seek Time is broken. ...
It’s based on UE4’s existing Master-Pose Component system: you can see a detailed explanation of how it works, including a summary flowchart, in Epic Games’ online documentation.There is also a new Skeletal Mesh Reduction Tool, for generating LOD versions of rigged characters....
Removal functions which also make sure the actor is set to the correct leader pose component void RemoveFromCurrentOnDemand ( int32 ActorIndex ) void RemoveOnDemandInstance ( int32 InstanceIndex ) void SetComponentTick ( uint8 StateIndex, uint32 ComponentIndex ) Sets the whether or not an...