选项卡上分别显示了 actor、属性或 PRC 的列表。“Total Size(总体大小)”和“Average Size(平均大小)” 列显示了特定项需要多少带宽,“Count(计数)” 列表示在分析会话期间复制了多少次特定项。单击各列的表头,可在升序或降序之间切换。 服务器和客户端 从客户端和服务器都可录制分析数据。但是,请注意,由于只有...
Returns total size of the backing data storage. FPackageFileVersion UEVer () Returns the global engine serialization version used for this archive. void UnlinkProxy ( FArchiveState& Inner, FArchiveState& Proxy ) bool UseToResolveEnumerators () Checks whether the archive is used to resolve ou...
输出的csv文件有两个: LLMPlatform 只关注系统内存的消费者,主要有几大类: ProgramSize, FMalloc, LLMOverhead LLM 主要关注 FMalloc 内存的消费者,主要就是引擎内各个部分的内存开 UE提供了一个CSV可视化工具,在Engine\Binaries\DotNET\CsvTools目录下,使用命令: PerfreportTool.exe -csvdir %CSV_DIR% -o ./...
Use LODs to prevent pixel and sub-pixel size triangles because these small triangles perform very badly on AMD GPUs. Refer to the official documentation for details on LODs: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Engine/Content/Types/StaticMeshes/HowTo/LODs/index.html The Wireframe view mode, ...
Essentially, you are directing the Unreal Engine to use the assigned Amazon FSx for OpenZFS mount path as the location for the Global Shared Derived Data Cache. Step 5: Validate Your Configuration To ensure that everything is set up correctly, you’ll need to...
because the additional precompiled binaries, debug symbols and static libraries for both versions of the compiler would have significantly increased the engine size and caused project setup to be more complicated on Windows. We’ll be fully retiring support for Visual Studio 2013 in an upcoming ...
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogShaderLibrary: Display: Total Shader Size: 77.96mb, Unique Shaders Size: 63.45mb (81.40%) UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogShaderLibrary: Display: === Extended info: UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogShaderLibrary: Display: Minimum number of shaders in shaderma...
Unreal Engine 4.26.1(windows) Console Variables and Commands 执行"help" 命令或点击编辑器菜单中“Help” -- “Console Variables”来生成Saved/ConsoleHelp.html如果只是想打印Console Variables and Commands的Name,可使用DumpConsoleCommands命令来打印(输出到日志中)...
○ 预定义的通道在 Engine/Config/BaseEngine.ini文件中的[Trace.ChannelPresets]进行定义,它是-trace 和 trace.start 使用的默认设置。 可以在.ini文件中添加自己的配置: [Trace.ChannelPresets] MyChannelSet=log,frame 2.1. 独立运行模式,实时查看: 方法一: 从命令行配置通道,方法是使用-trace参数并指定要启用...
Use LODs to prevent pixel and sub-pixel size triangles because these small triangles perform very badly on AMD GPUs. Refer to the official documentation for details on LODs: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Engine/Content/Types/StaticMeshes/HowTo/LODs/index.html The Wireframe view mode, ...