Get Time (String) Unreal Engine Blueprint API Reference > Sequencer > KeysGets the time for this key from the owning channel.Target is Movie Scene Scripting String KeyInputsTypeNameDescription object Target enum Time Unit Should the time be returned in Display Rate frames (possibly with a sub...
Unreal Engine Blueprint API Reference Unreal Engine C++ API Reference Unreal Engine Python API Documentation Developer Documentation Unreal Engine Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation Unreal Engine Blueprint API Reference Get Time (Double) Get Time (Double) Get Time (Double) ...
在Sequence节点的Then 1引脚添加Spawn Emitter at Location节点,将Emitter Template设置为PS_Explosion 创建GetActorLocation节点并连接Spawn Emitter at Location节点的Location引脚 创建Set Color Parameter节点并连接Spawn Emitter at Location节点,将Parameter Name设置为PrimaryColor,并将PrimaryColor变量连接到Param引脚 创建S...
//方法一 UStudent* Student = NewObject<UStudent>(); UClass* StudentClass = Student->GetClass();//UClass实例类描述了C++类和脚本类的反射信息 //方法二 UClass* StudentClass = UStudent::StaticClass(); 1. 获取类名称 FName ClassName = StudentClass->GetFName(); 2. 获取类内的特定属性成员...
:Tick GEngine->UpdateTimeAndHandleMaxTickRate(); GEngine->Tick(FApp::GetDeltaTime(),...
可知Unreal Tick 机制 是由主函数 GuardedMain 循环调用 EngineTick() 方法, 最终在 UWorld::Tick 内实现具体逻辑. 分析 UWorld::Tick 代码: void UWorld::Tick( ELevelTick TickType, float DeltaSeconds ) { // UWorld 逐 Level 驱动 for (int32 i = 0; i < LevelCollections.Num(); ++i) { /...
查找FDerivedDataCacheInterface::GetSynchronous()的引用,比较好了解的例子如下。 // Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Animation/AnimStreamable.cppTArray<uint8>OutData;// ...constboolbSuccess=GetDerivedDataCacheRef().GetSynchronous(AnimCompressor,OutData,&bBuilt);// ...check(OutData.Num()>0);...
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