保存数据的流程参考官方文档的例子足够( https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/CHN/Gameplay/SaveGame/index.html)保存路径 UE4 Save Game To Slot 的本地路径存储位置打包前与打包后的… 张乂卓发表于UE4引擎... 解决SaveGame不支持存储UObject*类型的自定义数据问题 引擎版本 4.26.1前言虚幻提供了 SaveGame 来...
execIn stringSlot NameName of save game slot to delete. integerUser IndexThe platform user index that identifies the user doing the saving, ignored on some platforms. Outputs TypeNameDescription execOut booleanReturn ValueTrue if a file was actually able to be deleted. use DoesSaveGameExist to ...
It is the reference project used in my Unreal Engine C++ online course! SaveGame System Design First, let’s briefly talk about the system design so you have a better understanding of intent once we get into the code. Unreal has a built-in SaveGame UObject that we inherit from and add...
在安装和运行虚幻编辑器之前,你需要下载并安装Epic Games启动程序。下载启动程序 步骤2 安装Epic Games启动程序 下载并安装后,打开启动程序,创建或登录你的Epic Games账户。 获取支持,或重新启动在步骤1中下载的Epic Games启动程序。 步骤3 安装虚幻引擎 登录后,移动至“虚幻引擎”选项卡,并点击“安装”按钮,下载最新...
6. 使用Windows兼容性模式:试着以管理员身份运行Unreal Engine或使用Windows的兼容性模式来启动它。7. 禁用全屏优化:在项目的属性中(右键单击.exe -> 属性),找到"兼容性"选项卡并在那里勾选"禁用全屏优化"。8. 重装Unreal Engine:作为最后的手段,考虑卸载并重新安装虚幻引擎。在此之前,备份所有重要的项目和文件!
Engine Programming RenderingAbout Game Development & Unreal Engine Programming Guide ikrima.dev Topics gamedev programming graphics rendering guide unreal unrealengine graphics-programming houdini unreal-engine ue4 graphics-rendering houdini-engine houdini-digital-assets unreal-engine-4 houdini-plugin unreal-...
Unreal Engine 4 Game Development Essentials. All rights reserved. 本书由英国Packt Publishing公司授权人民邮电出版社出版。未经出版者书面许可,对本书的任何部分不得以任何方式或任何手段复制和传播。 版权所有,侵权必究。 内容提要 Unreal Engine 4是一套具有高度可移植性的游戏开发工具,它不仅可以开发2D游戏,甚至...
Bugfix: Fixed an issue so that the “Create Save Game Object” node will now change its output type to match the class you select. Bugfix: Fixed an issue that caused comment bubbles to display incorrectly when using Play-In-Editor. Bugfix: Fixed an issue where functions could lose input...
当自己需要在引擎初始化的时候需要初始化或者调用其他函数的时候需要自己新建GameEngine类. 在新建类的时候选择UGameEngine;如下: 使用的时候需要配置一下: 在项目的Config目录下:DefaultEngine.ini 配置如下选中的一行: 此时:当你运行DelelopmentEditor下或者其他Editor下都不运行的,需要在debuggame下或者其他Game下.注...
// @Gunfire Begin // Adding a way to override the default save game system for platforms that fall back // to the generic one. This needs to be hooked before the first call to // IPlatformFeaturesModule::GetSaveGameSystem. The pointer will never be deleted, so // you're expected to...