Unreal 4 as an advanced commercial engine has a lot of built-in profiler tools for developers. According to different scenarios, developers can choose various tools to help them to achieve the required performance. However, developers need to have enough knowledge about certain aspects of the hardw...
打开BP_Tunnel并转到Components面板处,添加一个静态网格组件并命名为WallMesh。 Go to the Details panel and change its Static Mesh property to SM_Hole_01. 转到Details面板,将其Static Mesh属性更改为SM_Hole_01。 Next, set its Location property to (2470, 0, 0). This will place it at the end o...
4. 用于回放的UDemoNetDriver会绑定一个LevelCollection(通过传入PlayReplay的参数LevelPrefixOverride来决定)。当触发回放逻辑后,即UDemoNetDriver::TickDispatch每帧解析回放数据时,我们也会通过FScopedLevelCollectionContextSwitch主动切换到当前DemoNetDriver绑定的LevelCollection,保证解析回放数据时可以通过Outer找到回放场景...
脚本在 Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml,能用 AuomationTool 和一下的命令行来运行。Windows:BuildGraph -target="Make Installed Build Win64” -script=Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml -cleanMac:BuildGraph -target="Make Installed Build Mac” -script=Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml -clean...
No additional details are visible for persistent Levels, although there is a drop-down menu you can use to change to another Level. For sublevels, you can set the Level's offsetPositionandRotation, theStreaming Volumesto use, and the debugLevel Color. Advanced settings like theminimum time be...
In earlier versions of the engine, making the change causes all horizontal FOV values to be vertical, potentially resulting in a severe FOV increase. Making the change in later versions of the engine forces the game to maintain its native vertical FOV. ...
(GEngine->ShouldCommitPendingMapChange(this)) || (IsPlayInEditor() && bDebugPauseExecution) ); } //void UWorld::Tick( ELevelTick TickType, float DeltaSeconds ) bool bDoingActorTicks = (TickType!=LEVELTICK_TimeOnly) && !bIsPaused ...
Modeschange the primary behavior of the Level Editor for a specialized task, such as moving and transforming assets in the world, sculpting landscapes, generating foliage, creating geometry brushes and volumes, and painting on meshes. Modes panels contain a selection of tools tailored to the selecte...
project folder -> Saved -> Config -> Windows -> Engine.ini Change: [SteamVR.Settings] WindowMirrorMode=0 // 0可以换为1-4的整数 [补全 - 针对 Oculus CV1 和 HTC Vive的优化] Vive用了以上代码以后,建议在Console里面用命令 “hmd mirror 3” 和“hmd mirror 4”调用上述代码的修改结果; ...
FOnLevelEditorMapChanged Delegate type for map change events ( Params: uint32 MapChangeFlags (MapChangeEventFlags) ) FOnLevelEditorMapOpened Delegate type for triggering when a map is opened FOnLevelEditorPostSaveWorld Delegate type for post save world events ( uint32 SaveFlags, UWorld* World...