Epic games虚幻5引擎(Unreal Engine 5)正式公布,并放出了一段运行于PS5主机的演示Demo。 新引擎将为开发者带来更多方便功能,大大节省制作高质量游戏所需时间,带来更多图形细节。 对于次世代主机PS5/Xbox S...
https://www.youtube.com/c/UnrealEngine/featured来源:Unreal EngineIn May 2020, Epic Games provided a first look at Unreal Engine 5 through “Lumen in the Land of Nanite,” a real-time demo running live on
虚幻5运行在PS5上的效果 Unreal Engine 5 Feature Highlights | Next-Gen Real-Time Demo Running on PlayStation 5 http://t.cn/A6A1lzPk
在接受海外媒体VG247的采访中,Epic Games的工程副总裁Nick Penwarden承认,他们的确针对PS5的SSD架构,重写了部分Unreal Engine 5的程序代码,借此发挥该存储系统的潜能。这表示,我们在PS5实机运算增至见的“Lumen in the Land of Nanite”技术展示视频,在其它平台上无法复制。Nick Penwarden说,PS5在运算能力和绘图...
数毛社表示我来砸场子了:虚幻5引擎在PS5上Demo演示全程采用动态分辨率,大多数情况下以1440p/30帧进行渲染。演示中材质纹理为8K分辨率,没有使用光线追踪。 感觉实际开发中如果把材质纹理降成4k,分辨率或者帧数应该还可以再升一下,不过没用光追如果没说的话我还真的以为昨晚demo里有光追技术 ...
在接受海外媒体VG247的采访中,Epic Games的工程副总裁Nick Penwarden承认,他们的确针对PS5的SSD架构,重写了部分Unreal Engine 5的程序代码,借此发挥该存储系统的潜能。这表示,我们在PS5实机运算增至见的“Lumen in the Land of Nanite”技术展示视频,在其它平台上无法复制。
This is absolutely nuts. Taking objects directly from ZBrush into the engine without worrying about maps or decimation, literally billions of polygons without worrying about poly counts. I know this is a tech demo but still, what UE5 promises is amazing and not just for gaming but for photogr...
Now Playing:Unreal Engine 5 PS5 Tech Demo - Everything You Need To Know In Under 4 Minutes The Lumen in the Land of Nanite tech demo focuses on two of Unreal Engine 5's "core technologies," including Nanite and Lumen. In short, Nanite is a new "virtualized micropolygon geometry" techno...
ps5着重优化了内存的吞吐量,所以才有这个“无限几何细节”的demo 我比较好奇的是这个demo如何在pc上跑...
The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience is designed to take full advantage of PS5’s technology— including the super-fast SSD drive, CPU, GPU, alongside console ray tracing. To do that, we’ve built a vast, 16 kilometres square open world city, comprised of seven thousand bu...