5. 判断一个类是不是另一个类的子类 UClass* ParentClass = UPerson::StaticClass(); bool bChildClass = StudentClass->IsChildOf(ParentClass); 6. 查找指定类的所有子类 TArray<UClass*> ClassResults; GetDerivedClasses(UPerson::StaticClass(), ClassResults, false); 7. 查找由特定类生成的对象 ...
Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation > Unreal Engine API Reference > Editor > Blutility > UEditorUtilityBlueprintFactory > ParentClass ParentClass The parent class of the created blueprint.Syntax TSubclassOf< class UObject > ParentClass Remarks The parent class of the created blueprint....
voidSPropertyEditorEditInline::OnClassPicked(UClass*InClass){TArray<FObjectBaseAddress>ObjectsToModify;TArray<FString>NewValues;constTSharedRef<FPropertyNode>PropertyNode=PropertyEditor->GetPropertyNode();FObjectPropertyNode*ObjectNode=PropertyNode->FindObjectItemParent();if(ObjectNode){// ...一坨预处理,...
并且UObject类实现了一套完善的反应以及检查系统,相比之下如果游戏开发者自己去实现类似功能细节则会带来很多不必要的开销,并且代码在经过大规模测验之前可能包含潜在的安全隐患。 Engine: Engine模块是虚幻引擎的大部分实际工作发生的地方;它是各种游戏相关的功能的集合,这些功能比Core“使用原生代码更合适”的代码更加具...
Set the parent class. Under Blueprints, click Open Level Blueprint, and select Class Settings. In the Class Options, set Parent Class to Sim 3d Level Script Actor. In the level blueprint, make the connections, for example: Step 7: Run Simulation Run the simulation. Go to Run Simulation...
bCanEverTick = true -- set bCanBeDamaged property in parent self.bCanBeDamaged = false print("actor:ReceiveBeginPlay") end -- override event from blueprint function LuaActor:ReceiveEndPlay(reason) print("actor:ReceiveEndPlay") end return Class(nil, nil, LuaActor) -- LuaBpActor.lua local...
This Unreal Engine End User License Agreement (the “Agreement”) applies to your use of Unreal Engine, Epic’s real-time 3D creation tool. Unreal Engine can be used for a wide range of applications, including video games; virtual production and virtual sets for film and television; immersive...
Open your Unreal Engine 5.uprojectfile, navigate to TBD, add child actors to the vehicle blueprint. In the details panel, choose the child actor class as the controllers/sensors migrated above. - For example, if you are looking forward to a 5R1V1D (5 radars, 1 vision camera, and 1 do...