ToPaintGeometry(), Bursh, ESlateDrawEffect::None, BackgroundColor); //绘制背景 FSlateDrawElement::MakeText(OutDrawElements, LayerId, AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(), FText::FromString("Hello Slate"), FontInfo); //绘制文字 return LayerId; } FVector2D ComputeDesiredSize(float LayoutScale...
The CPU virtual machine (VM) now compiles its contents to the DDC on a background thread, significantly improving overall compilation speed and team efficiency. Further work is required to make the final and expensive VM optimization step occur in ShaderCompileWorker because it depends on non-thr...
The background color for each row is now solid instead of a gradient, and it alternates colors from row to row to improve reading across a line. Hot-reload performance has been improved with parallelized search for old class default objects' referencers. Added "out of space" checks to t...
It could cause problems when changing to a different georeference instance. In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.21.0 to v0.21.1. See the changelog for a complete list of changes in cesium-native. v1.19.0 - 2022-11-01 Breaking Changes 📣 Removed some ...
background_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] The background color of the component blend_mode (WidgetBlendMode): [Read-Write] The blend mode for the widget. body_instance (BodyInstance): [Read-Write] Physics scene information for this component, holds a single rigid body with multiple shapes...
In these settings, we've made some changes to increase the quality for the in-editor cinematic. A couple of notes on what is changing here and why: The RTGI Screen Percentage has been increased while lowering the RTGI samples per pixel. As shown in a previous section, the in-editor set...
This can be optimized by lowering the view range, changing LOD distances, reducing texture resolution, and tuning down graphical effects rendered in real time, such as water reflections, all of which would lower the visual quality of the visualization. The second way of optimizing is by reducing...
After over a year in maintenance mode, the official Unreal Engine Wiki is now permanently offline. These resources now live on a new community-run Unreal Engine Community Wiki —! You will b…
UMG background color UMG text UMG buttons The UMG inventory submenu The UMG equipment submenu Key binding Button programming Summary 5. Bridging Character Statistics Getting character data Getting player instances Displaying stats Summary 6. NPCs and Dialog Creating the NPC Character Blueprint Interacting...
Creating the ground using the BSP Box brush(使用 BSP Box 笔刷创建地面)(50) 1. Useful tip – selecting an object easily(有用的提示 – 轻松选择对象)(54) 2. Useful tip – changing View Mode to aid visuals(有用的提示 - 更改视图模式以辅助视觉效果)(55) 6. Adding light to a level(向...