入口:新建蓝图类型-点击蓝图-添加Spline-蓝图拖到场景内 操作方式:点击Alt+鼠标左键,增加新的点,点击移动,旋转切换点的属性,在点击点的情况下,可以点击切线,可基于XYZ平面移动旋转点的切线方向。 在蓝图内也可以添加Add Spline Mesh Componment节点,在Spline内添加静态模型。 应用场景:基于曲线的逻辑,比如沿着曲线路...
添加组件 (Add Component): 为指定的Actor的每个输入点添加一个组件,可以通过“目标Actor”数据中的属性进行指定,或者默认为PCG组件的所有者,从模板组件或存储在属性中的类中添加。 获取属性列表 (Get Attribute List): 返回每个输入数据的属性列表,其中包含每个属性的一项条目。还可以选择输出内部类型和默认值(作为字...
Spline就是一个曲线,你可以在编辑器中添加控制点,移动控制点,设置控制点的切线等;而Spline Mesh把一个Static Mesh绑定到指定的Spline曲线上,并且根据曲线对Mesh进行扭曲变形。这个功能,可以用来快速制作赛车的车道、河流,管道,绳子/链子等,如下图所示。 上述Demo中的黄色管道是由Spline Mesh Component动态组建的,而初...
Spline就是一个曲线,你可以在编辑器中添加控制点,移动控制点,设置控制点的切线等;而Spline Mesh把一个Static Mesh绑定到指定的Spline曲线上,并且根据曲线对Mesh进行扭曲变形。这个功能,可以用来快速制作赛车的车道、河流,管道,绳子/链子等,如下图所示。 上述Demo中的黄色管道是由Spline Mesh Component动态组建的,而初...
Bugfix: "Add Component" node adds components with exposed variables to the correct target actor (previously always went to "self"). "Color" name is no longer restricted. Bugfix: "Convert selected actor to blueprint class" and "Convert selected components into blueprint class" actions can ...
上面主要根据画出的样线条,然后加载了同一个mesh不同的旋转值以及大小。首先按照规矩先创建一个普通的Actor blueprint class。 然后搜索并创建一个spline。 然后在construction script中创建一个loop去循环样线条上的每一个点。 接着就开始往每个样线条距离上面加mesh,添加一个add static mesh component节点,并用set...
class unreal.SplineComponent(outer=None, name='None')Bases: unreal.PrimitiveComponentA spline component is a spline shape which can be used for other purposes (e.g. animating objects). It contains debug rendering capabilities. see: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Resources/Content...
You can also use aSpline Mesh Componentto deform a StaticMesh along a spline. You can define a start and end location and tangent in the Details panel (or by calling functions). Clickon keys to select them. Use thetranslate widgetto move them around (the ‘tangents’ are automatically up...
These are generally dynamically spawned, but could be for example a SplineMeshComponent added via UCS. All other UObjects (non-Actors and non-ActorComponents) are stably named if they were: Default Subobjects Created in C++ constructor, so they part of the CDO. Loaded directly from packages...
Structure that holds info about spline, passed to renderer to deform UStaticMesh. Also used by Lightmass, so be sure to update Lightmass::FSplineMeshParams and the static lighting code if this changes! C++ Source: Module: Engine File: SplineMeshComponent.h Editor Properties: (see get_editor_...