只有达到存储快照的条件时间时(可通过控制台命令设置CVarCheckpointUploadDelay InSeconds设置),我们才会调用SaveCheckpoint函数把表示Checkpoint的QueuedCheckpointPackets写到NetworkReplayStreamer,其他情况下我们则会每帧把QueuedDemoPackets表示的Stream数据进行写入处理。 void FReplayHelper::TickRecording(float DeltaSeconds, UN...
在UnLua插件中可以直接使用协程编写蓝图中LatentAction逻辑,实现延迟执行线性逻辑。 典型用例:在蓝图中可以调用delay函数,不过,仅能在事件图表使用,因为整个事件图标是作为一个蓝图函数处理的,在Delay或者说是LatentAction位置就记录节点ID,待计时器触发,继续执行图表函数的对于节点。 在LUA中可以新建一个LUA线程执行LatentA...
Delay:比较特殊的函数,主线程不会因为 Delay 停止运行。 Delay 的实际执行过程如下: 1.当前帧运行到 Delay 时,定时器被注册。 2.主线程立即返回,继续处理其他任务(例如下一帧的 Tick)。 3.在 x.xx 秒后,定时器触发并执行 After Delay。 也就是说,在Tick中使用Delay不会影响帧率,但是会产生多个定时器。 Fl...
unreal.SourceEffectStereoDelaySettings unreal.SourceEffectWaveShaperSettings unreal.SphericalDistortionParameters unreal.SphericalPontoon unreal.SphericalPoseReaderDebugSettings unreal.SpinBoxStyle unreal.SplineCurves unreal.SplineMeshParams unreal.SplinePoint unreal.SplitterStyle unreal.SpriteGeometryCollection unreal.Spri...
void AActor::BeginPlay() { // 省略跳转, 最终所在 Level 对应 FTickTaskLevel 将 TickFunction 添加 FTickTaskLevel* Level = TickTaskLevelForLevel(InLevel); Level->AddTickFunction(TickFunction);}class FTickTaskLevel { // 包含当前 Level 的所有 Tick 单元. TSet AllEnabledTickFunctions; FCoolingDo...
If the type received as a result is a value that is not provided by default, it is provided in TOptional form. Bug Fixes Modified to ensure that the withdrawal delay information and payment abusing auto cancellation information are delivered normally after logging in. ...
That will conflict with User Access Control (if you have it active), causing a delay in the table's auto-processing and auto-attaching the game process. When that happens, you'll come barging in saying "doesn't work for me". So, please, either disable UAC from Control Panel - User ...
void AActor::BeginPlay { // 省略跳转, 最终所在 Level 对应 FTickTaskLevel 将 TickFunction 添加 FTickTaskLevel* Level = TickTaskLevelForLevel(InLevel) Level->AddTickFunction(TickFunction)}class FTickTaskLevel { // 包含当前 Level 的所有 Tick 单元. TSet<FTickFunction*> AllEnabledTickFunct...
在每帧执行TickDemoRecord时,会根据ShouldSaveCheckpoint来决定是否触发Checkpoint快照的录制,可以通过CVarCheckpointUpload DelayInSeconds命令行参数来设置其录制间隔,默认30秒。 存储Checkpoint的步骤如下: 1. 通过GetNetworkObjectList获取所有Replicated的Actor
By then, it has been a 100ms round-time trip (RTT) before the client can even update its position in the game. To make matters worse, the client is now 50ms (1/2 RTT) behind the server. This creates a noticeable delay for the player, who might be running at 60fps (16.7ms per...