"error: unread result found" 这个错误通常出现在数据库查询或处理数据库结果时,尤其是在使用某些数据库API或库时。这个错误表明在查询数据库后,有一些结果没有被正确处理或读取。以下是一些可能的原因及相应的解决方案: 可能的原因 结果集未被完全读取:在执行数据库查询后,返回的结果集没有被完全遍历或读取。 资...
为了修复错误和提高PC速度,建议您下载' mysql .connect .error .internalerror Unread Result Found Repair工具'。这是一个先进的优化工具,可以修复引起计算机速度变慢的问题。 参考链接:http://programwiki.org/mysql-connector-errors-internalerror-unread-result-found/...
nonbuffered游标,将不从服务器获取数据,直到你调用了某个取数据行的方法(这里应该是指fetch开头的一些方法,如fetchone(),fetchall()等)。在使用nonbuffered游标时,你必须确保取出结果集中的所有行,才能再用同一连接执行其他语句在,否则会提高InternalError(Unread result found)异常发生的概率。 Buffered游标适用于你需...
Posted by developer: Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Utilities 1.6.3 release, and here's the changelog entry: Executing the mysqldbcompare utility to find differences between two databases on different hosts could fail with an error similar to "Unread result found". Thank you for the bug report...
‘Error summary: %s’ % (deepest, full, hail.version, deepest)) from None hail.utils.java.FatalError: IllegalStateException: unread block data I looked online and found the thread: broadinstitute/gatk#3050 Using the suggestion I exported JAVA_HOME environment variable in ‘spark-env.sh’ and...
But i do not need them at the moment. The exclamation mark kills the"unread messages" number on my taskbar- which is needed. Anyone else experiencing this? Signing in to the customer tenant(s) is no real solution - as this disrupts the work flow. ...
No active public folder mailboxes were found error No result using a number to search for an Excel attachment On-premises EAC link goes to product comparison Options in Resource Scheduling not available OVA isn't available for a shared mailbox Publish to WebDAV Server is missing Re...
("Getting block " + blockId + " from memory") val result = if (asValues) { memoryStore.getValues(blockId) } else { memoryStore.getBytes(blockId) } result match { case Some(values) => return Some(values) case None => logDebug("Block " + blockId + " not found in memory") }...
}if($groups_found) { $return_value[] = ElggMenuItem::factory(array('name'=>'groups_member_of','text'=>false,'href'=>false,'section'=>'personal','is_trusted'=>true,'priority'=>8888888,'parent_name'=>'groups')); } $return_value[] = ElggMenuItem::factory(array('name'=>'my_gr...