The rash started as a few small red spots 8 months earlier that gradually merged and turned into one shiny irregular area with brownish discoloration. The rash was neither itchy nor painful, and remained unchanged during exposure to sunlight. The patien...
好评5.0 接诊量2.2万 同行认可100 速度榜第1 从业31年 服务态度好 专业有效 耐心细致 问题描述:医生您好,我现在怀孕7个月了,只要睡觉醒来不管早晨还是下午,两只手的手指都无法握拳,酸疼肿胀,指关节僵硬,大概要过半个小时的样子才会有所缓解,请问这是什么原因,需要做什么检查吗(女,25岁) ...
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Rebeu-Dartiguelongue I, Laurent JP, Clarac A et al. Ponction lombaire precoce et rash cutane : un liquide cephalorachidien normal peut en cacher un autre. Med Mal Infect 2005 ; 35 : 422-4.Rebeu-Dartiguelongue I, Laurent JP, Clarac A et al. Early lumbar puncture and cutaneous ...
Transfeetion of v-rasHDNA into MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer bands that were absent in the untrans- Cells Bypasses Dependence on Estrogen for TumorigenicityThe natural history of estrogen-responsive breast cancers often involves dem into the transfectants. The 4.4 kilo-a phenotypic change...
doi:10.1016/j.lpm.2010.04.014Jean-CharlesChakarianandChristopheGiraultandGaëtanBéduneauandAnne-BénédicteSDOSLa Presse Médicale
I got it . . . I got it . . . OOOPS With an unsightly rash of bobbles and boots, baseball is suffering through a plague of errors.BaseballHomerunsToys&gamesWULFSTEVEEBSCO_AspSports Illustrated
Rash pattern, duration mark fever syndromes: disorders are characterized by episodes of fever with dramatic, seemingly unprovoked inflammation.(ACROSS SPECIATIES)Jancin, Bruce
Maculopapular rash of unsuspected cause: systemic contact dermatitis to cinchocaineCinchocainelocal anestheticsskin patch testssystemic contact dermatitisTopical medications are frequently neglected as the potential cause of systemic drug reactions. In this case report, a patient with a maculopapular ...
Rash of No. 1 Upsets in College Football Is UnsurprisingWhy is anyone surprised that the top-ranked team in the country was humbled the past three weeks?Paulk, Ralph N