Unraid webgui repo Structure The emhttp, etc, sbin, and src dirs in this repo are extracted to the /usr/local/ directory when an Unraid release is built. Contributions Please be aware that there is a fairly high barrier to entry when working on the Unraid webgui. It has grown organicall...
PinnedLoading language-templateslanguage-templatesPublic Unraid Language Packs 2716 webguiwebguiPublic Unraid Web UI PHP18773 docsdocsPublic Unraid Documentation JavaScript2234 Repositories Type Language Sort unraid-tailscale-utilsPublicForked fromdkaser/unraid-tailscale-utils ...
WebGUI not accessable By tke95usa December 19, 2012 in General Support (V5 and Older) Start new topic 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 tke95usa Members 29 Posted December 19, 2012 Just upgrade to version v5.0 RC8a and I cannot access WEBUI (http://tower:8080) or by the IP address...
The error is=错误是 The Unraid OS webgui requires JavaScript=Unraid OS 的 web 图形界面需要使用 JavaScript There is a physical problem accessing your USB Flash boot device=访问USB闪存引导设备时出现物理故障 to change notification settings=更改通知设置 to downgrade Unraid OS=降级 Unraid OS ...
- Remove: Ext4 file format. Ext4 is not used by Unraid. Ext4 disks can still be mounted. ###2020.01.28 - Add: Don't allow device script to be run twice. Show script running status. Added 'refresh' to rc.unassigned to refresh the webgui when a script is finished. #...
npm随便设置:webui:81,https:18443,unraid就用的443,把域名托管到大善人cf,然后创建一个origin ...
$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ?: '/usr/local/emhttp'; require_once "$docroot/webGui/include/Helpers.php"; require_once "$docroot/webGui/include/Wrappers.php"; // add translations extract(parse_plugin_cfg('dynamix',true)); $login_locale = $display['locale']; require_once "$docroot/web...
exec("logger -t webGUI -- \"$contName: Could not download icon $imgUrl\""); my_logger('webGUI', "$contName: Could not download icon $imgUrl"); } return (is_file($iconRAM)) ? str_replace($docroot, '', $iconRAM) : '';15...
So it's definitively not a bug in unraid / webgui, sorry. But I will let this ticket open until I got a working solution or bug fix by the php maintainer. Author realizelol commented Jun 24, 2023 SSMTP isn't understanding the new output with CRLF of mail() since php8.0. piping ...