Unraid on NUC: Using Two M.2 SSDs as Separate Storage – Without RAID or Pool By LikeMike, 4 minutes ago 0 replies 3 views LikeMike 4 minutes ago Installed HBA, ANOTHER drive failure? By PassTheSalt, 50 minutes ago 2 replies 14 views demanding-chief3698 7 minutes ago Cont...
I liked that you could still have dual parity but if something crazy happens and a third drive dies before you can replace the first two then you only lose the data on that one drive. For a media server its pretty perfect at least for my use case. I have 4 or 5 streams max going...
Duplicates come from external drive bays that do not assign a unique serial number to each disk. - Fix: Rework refresh event calls (nchan) to simplify the call. - Fix: Change UUID on encrypted XFS device. - Fix: More code cleanup. ...
I've been running RAID's since around 2001 in my home. In the last 20 years, ive maybe lost 5 drives (2 of them DOA in 2 weeks indicating defective drive), and ive been spinning down my media RAIDs for over a decade. One of the biggest things is to regularly replace driv...
This is one of unraids ideal features, you can add one drive at a time to increase storage, vs with Freenas (or ZFS on Linux) you have to either A) replace ALL of the drives with larger ones and let it rebuild the disk each time (it doesnt expand the storage usability until the ...