Plex setup is great and supports gpu transcoding and ram transcoding. SSD cache and many other useful features. Adding more storage is very easy! Expand Thanks for your detailed answer. My machine has been running for 4 days by now. The unRAID experience has been great (mostly). My ...
When I move to 4k, will use Nvidia Shields (as clients, currently using Roku Ultras) to avoid transcoding on the server. I also use the PLEX DVR functionality and have a 4 tuner OTA HD HomeRun Quatro networked tuner that works wonderfully. We DVR a bunch on content and have process to...
&#Setup drivers for hardware transcoding in Plex modprobe i915 chown nobody:users /dev/dri chmod 0777 /dev/dri/* 添加完成后重启unRAID服务器,之后方可生效。 验证是否成功,在ssh命令行中输入ls -la /dev/dri 反馈如下,即为成功。 反馈截图 2、安装PLEX ...
If all you really care about is improved 4k streams and transcoding, etc, I would add an Nvidia RTX 4000. They cam be had for under $500 these days. Its not a consumer card, so you arent limited to 2 streams either. Or a Tesla P4 for less than $200. Great value for transcoding...