在unraid的Apps里搜"Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official",安装即可。NPM是个docker应用,需要用到80、443、81端口(81是内部管理端口),网络只能选择自定义的br0。在unraid里面部署NPM也踩到一点坑,一并记录一下: 坑一:unraid使用旁路由作为网关的情况下,用默认的bridge模式外部无法访问应用 解决办法1:用host模式,即侵入了...
unRAID 设置通过Proxy上网(改进Update更新速度) can I set unRAID to use a proxy to connect to internet Trial cannot connect through web proxy PROXY EDITOR, 代理插件 解决Unraid访问应用商店及系统更新时网络连接失败的问题,UNRAID HTTP代理问题 7.0.0版开始,有SETTINGS -> Outgoing Proxy Manager的设置。 可以...
and NginxProxyManager (official) as double proxy (if already using rabbitmq, for something like homeassistant or w/e, you can use that same instance for onlyoffice here too. Extra credit or some crap, brown noser.) All containers on same custom network, including NginxProxyManager (can have...
蓝冰血魄干货教程 unraid脚本自签域名证书 自动替换nginx proxy manager自定义证书,支持阿里 腾讯云域名(也可支持其他dns api 查询:https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/dnsapi) 注:本人很懒,懒的截图,懒的写出详细步骤,只酌情出些干货教程,脚本。所以使用本教程 需要一点shell脚本和unraid基础知识,纯小...
new one v 1.5.5 https://github.com/xavier-hernandez/goaccess-for-nginxproxymanager/ - using auto finding all files proxy-host-*access.log also proxy-host-access.log..gz . Do you mean to run without docker goaccess to check v1.5.5 that used in new docker of https://github.com/xavie...
Hi Drago Prime, Did you install WordPress locally and then tried to add it to Nginx Proxy manager? One of the biggest problem people have with this docker, the easiest is to delete WordPress & DB folders, then make sure you can reach the WP installation screen on your domain b4 you inst...