因为畅网这个5105主板有两个nvme插槽,换到另一个插槽去,结果没网络了,ip显示not set。换回原位置,ip就又正常了。我把以前的一个系统盘也是nvme的插到另一个插槽,结果也是ip地址not set 脑壳疼啊
unraid开机获取..萌新,u盘启动 显示ipv4和ipv6都是not set,config和路由器的DHCP都是开着的,能进入登录环节,但是就是没有ip,求救求救主板铭瑄b660m,unraid系统是6.10.3顶没装呢,就是用的板载网卡
Unraid的开启界面,看到这里就算成功一半。 别问为什么才成功了一半,问就是奶爸忘记插网线了,可以看到IPv4 not set哈,不过接上网线路由器就能找的到了,看到Tower login就算安装完成了。 再次声明,此OS收集于互联网,仅作测试体验,请24小时内删除,喜欢的话请购买正版。 Unraid系统的设置 安装应用商店插件 点击“Plugins...
apt install network-manager 让它管理网卡, Setmanaged=truein/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf, 启用network-manager, 需要注释掉 /etc/network/interfaces 中allow-hotplug eth0和iface eth0 inet dhcp这两行。否则会分配两个IPv4。(如果是静态指定IP,则不影响) 然后/sbin/service NetworkManager restart或syst...
脚本会通过这个地址http://ipv4.icanhazip.com获取到公网IP,比对之后如果发现有变化,会通过cloudflare提供的api,将新的IP更新到域名上。 如果unraid上安装了User Script插件,操作起来会更简单,点齿轮新建脚本即可。 image 搭建VPN 如果你只是个人使用,没有公网访问的需要,其实只用vpn就可以了,用VPN既安全,又速度快,...
Not encrypted=未加密 not encrypted=未加密 NOTE=注意 Numbers_array=thirty:30 twenty-nine:29 twenty-eight:28 twenty-seven:27 twenty-six:26 twenty-five:25 twenty-four:24 twenty-three:23 twenty-two:22 twenty-one:21 twenty:20 nineteen:19 eighteen:18 seventeen:17 sixteen:16 fifteen:15 fourt...
:docker_include_interface_vlan_ipv4_help: 包含或排除(默认)上述作为 Docker 自定义网络的接口或 VLAN。 输入所分配的每个子网的池范围,Docker 使用该范围进行 DHCPv4 分配。例如 :end :docker_exclude_interface_vlan_ipv4_help: 包含或排除(默认)上述作为 Docker 自定义网络的接口或 VLAN...
"IPv4Address": "", "IPv6Address": "" } }, "Options": { "parent": "br0" }, "Labels": {} } ] Collaborator kroese commented Apr 19, 2023 If I compare the output of your docker network inspect to my own macvlan inspect, it looks very much the same. So I don...
So in following the reddit posting, I actually created an OPT interface, since the recommendation was to have just a WAN interface and a parent interface (LAN or OPT). I enable the interface, but I did not create an IPv4 address, since I did not think it was important. The next issue...
Here is my log, it seems to be very similar to yours, I am not sure what you meant when you said that my routing seem be done differently on Unraid? I am clueless when it comes to routing but I am puzzled by that address as my docker eth0 address is actually 172.17....