['docker_cfg'] = "/boot/config/docker.cfg";$caPaths['dockerUpdateStatus'] = "/var/lib/docker/unraid-update-status.json";$caPaths['pinnedV2'] = "{$caPaths['flashDrive']}/pinned_appsV2.json";$caPaths['appOfTheDay'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/appOfTheDay.json";$caPaths['...
$caPaths['dockerSearchResults'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/docker_search.json"; /* The displayed docker search results */ $caPaths['dockerfilePage'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/dockerfilePage"; /* the downloaded webpage to scrape the dockerfile from */ $caPaths['Dockerfile'] = $ca...
$caPaths['dockerSearchResults'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/docker_search.json"; /* The displayed docker search results */ $caPaths['dockerfilePage'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/dockerfilePage"; /* the downloaded webpage to scrape the dockerfile from */ $caPaths['Dockerfile'] = $ca...
1)首先去镜像仓库搜索nginx镜像,比如DockerHub: 2)根据查看到的镜像名称,拉取自己需要的镜像,通过命令:docker pull nginx 3)通过命令:docker images 查看拉取到的镜像 2.1.4.案例2-保存、导入镜像 需求:利用docker save将nginx镜像导出磁盘,然后再通过load加载回来 1)利用docker xx --help命令查看docker save和doc...
"/Dockerfile"; $caPaths['moderationURL'] = "https://raw.staticdn.net/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/master/Moderation.json"; $caPaths['moderation'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/moderation.json"; /* json file that has all of the moderation */ $caPaths['unRaidVersion'] = "/...
$caPaths['docker_cfg'] = "/boot/config/docker.cfg"; $caPaths['dockerUpdateStatus'] = "/var/lib/docker/unraid-update-status.json"; $caPaths['pinnedV2'] = "{$caPaths['flashDrive']}/pinned_appsV2.json"; $caPaths['appOfTheDay'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/appOfTheDay.json"; ...
$caPaths['docker_cfg'] = "/boot/config/docker.cfg"; $caPaths['dockerUpdateStatus'] = "/var/lib/docker/unraid-update-status.json"; $caPaths['pinnedV2'] = "{$caPaths['flashDrive']}/pinned_appsV2.json"; $caPaths['appOfTheDay'] = $caPaths['tempFiles']."/appOfTheDay.json"; ...
Docker=Docker Docs=文档 Done=完成 Download=下载 Duration=用时 Edit=编辑 edit=编辑 Emulated=已模拟 emulated=已模拟 Enabled=已启用 enabled=已启用 Encrypted and unlocked=已加密和解锁 Erase=擦除 Error code=错误代码 Error=错误 ...
And that is about it. You now have UnRAID installed as the default OS of your QNAP NAS. Now, it is worth remembering that UnRAID does require the use of a licence key in order to use all of the storage features. The type of licence you will need will be largely based on the scale...
What I would do is make a copy of the dockerMan folder on the flash drive. Then start deleting the references to it one at a time. Once you figure out which reference needed to be deleted to make the UI come up, post a defect report. I never went through those steps with sonaar,...