1. 开启 IPv6 支持 2. 创建名为inner_net的 docker 网络(之后可以将应用指定 docker 网络为inner_net) docker network create --ipv6 --subnet= --subnet=2001:db8:2::/64 --gateway= --gateway=2001:db8:2::1 inner_net 参考列表 Enable IPv6 support How to enable IPv6...
Network -> Firewall -> General Settings 中,有三个 reject 改为 drop。 参考【设置openwrt路由器的防火墙_允许从外网访问_ipv6服务】关于"默认规则drop/reject"部分。 定时检查网络,不通就重拨。参考【OpenWRT19.07_命令行_重拨wan_重启路由】 改图标,参考教你UNRAID虚拟机自定义Docker图标icon方法 官方版openwr...
毕竟Unraid 即使开启 Docker IPv6 后,某些容器依旧无法通过 IPv6 的地址进行访问。除非创建虚拟机,请参考:Unraid 8 虚拟机 KVM(Ubuntu Server、Windows 10)。 planet 公网服务器 创建容器 安装keynetworks/ztncui容器。 docker-compose.yml : 复制version: '3.3' services: zerotier-planet: container_name: zerot...
首先,我们来看一下整个流程:```mermaiderDiagram USER ||--o| HARBOR : 使用Docker Harbor```mermaidflowchart TD A[登录Docker H 用户名 Docker 代码示例 docker 默认用户名密码 # Docker默认用户名密码在使用Docker容器时,我们经常需要登录到容器内部进行一些操作。但是,默认情况下,Docker并没有为容器设置默认...
1 docker info 接下来您将看到一些输出的信息。翻阅并查找是否存在下列字段: Registry Mirrors: [CDN 链接] 最后,APPS应用商店加速后,每一次加载都是比较慢的,需要等待一下的。所以一次安装多个插件,搜索完继续搜索不要关掉窗口就好了。 安装中文语言包 要安装 Unraid OS 的中文语言包,请转到 APPS→ Language(位于...
Unraid is an operating system that you can set up on almost any computer and turn it into a robust network-attached storage server. It also has support for Docker container and virtualization. Allowing you to set up different applications or operating systems like Home Assistant Plex, Ubuntu, ...
Fix Common Problemswill periodically check the Unraid configuration and alert you to potential configuration issues which may cause you instability. The list of checks conducted is extensive, covering everything from network configuration issues to basic things like updating apps and docker containers. No...
Network and the docker image setup steps: Create ahttps://my.zerotier.com/account and create a Network there. Ensure that "Managed Routes" section of your network settings DOESN'T include the subnet of IPs that is used in your local networks. You can check FAQ at the end of the post ...
You CAN use a mouse, but it is not hugely necessary and 99% of the choices in the setup of UnRAID can/will be via keyboard input. Also, I would also recommend connecting the NAS to the network during setup as this will allow the system to assume certain network values during setup ...
Docker Setup Follow the genericDocker instructionsas a general guide to set up your container. You can also install the unofficial Scrypted app from the Docker App Store: Then, set the network type tobr0to provide Scrypted it's own IP address on your network....