点击之后联结VNC客户端一直报错,不知道什么原因,去看了先github上的Dockerfile文件好像是有两个端口6080和5901 RUN /bin/echo -e "export DISPLAY=${DISPLAY}" >> ${HOME}/.vnc/xstartupRUN /bin/echo -e "[ -r ${HOME}/.Xresources ] && xrdb ${HOME}/.Xresourcesnfbsetroot -solid gray" >> ${HO...
still. I updated it parrallel to the nextcloud docker.The dbhost was the local ip adress and ran like this almost 1 year without interruption. After this I changed it to localhost, then to localhost:3306. I restarted the nexcloud docker of course after every change....
Anticipatory的屮文含义是〃预料的,预想的",这 个词的确揭示了这个算法的特点,简单的说有个I/O发生的时候,如果又有进 程诸求I/O操作,则将产生一个默认的6毫秒猜测时间,猜测下一个进程请求 I/O是要干什么的。这对于随机读取会造成比较大的延时,对数据库应用很糟 糕,而对于Web Server等则会表现的不错。这个...
执行:yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin -y(耐心等待) [root@JD30-aliyun ~]# yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin -y 1. 2.3 查看 Docker 版本并启动 [root@JD30-aliyun yum.repos.d]# docker --version Docker version 2...
Summary If I stop the docker and restart the docker, it won't start. It will be stuck in an infinite loop with Starting php-fpm. I use the docker in Unraid. If I force the docker to update, it will finally start. I tried with the latest,...
点击这个链接:点击这里,会自动下载一个叫“docker-compose.yml”文件,用记事本打开,将内容全部“复制并替换”到上一步点击弹出的“输入框”中,再点击“SAVE CHANGES”。 注意是“复制并替换”,上一步点击之后的“输入框”会自带一行“services:”,这行是不要保留。
Docker=Docker Docs=文档 Done=完成 Download=下载 Duration=用时 Edit=编辑 edit=编辑 Emulated=已模拟 emulated=已模拟 Enabled=已启用 enabled=已启用 Encrypted and unlocked=已加密和解锁 Erase=擦除 Error code=错误代码 Error=错误 ...
If you receive an error similar to error execution phase upload-certs: error uploading certs: error to get token reference: secrets "secret not found" not found during the --dry-run, you can safely ignore it.After running kubeadm init, you should see something like this at the end of ...
Error fixes: Obviously set up emails, that cleared that one. Country code was easy - stopped Nextcloud, opened “Unraid terminal” and dropped in the following text (AU for Australia): sudo docker exec --user www-data nextcloud-aio-nextcloud php occ config:system:set default_phone_region -...
- Add: 'Pass Through' switch to designate a physical disk as passed to a VM or Docker so UD won't mount the disk. - Fix: Default auto mount to off. - Remove: Ext4 file format. Ext4 is not used by Unraid. Ext4 disks can still be mounted. #...