My parity drive seems to have been set to a disabled status and I see the following as the Smart report. If anyone could please help and explain if this is actually failing. I haven't been able to directly find something that better guides me to understa
When adding a parity drive, the hard drive must be the same size or bigger than any other data drive in your array. You can add up to 2 parity drives. If you have more than 6 data drives connected, I would recommend having 2 parity drives set up. Like that, if 2 drives happen to...
got to flash drive into config folder and open python_sleep.conf set your settings from "MAIN_SETTINGS" tab add disks to "used_disks" if you want to watch them, pattern: mount_point = disk name sdk = WDC_1... best practice is to copy values from array/cache/unassigned disks to "us...
- Add: Create a hotplug event when udev detects a change in a disk. - Add: Remove duplicate disk serial numbers so UD only manages one device. Duplicates come from external drive bays that do not assign a unique serial number to each disk. ...
each part of the parity drive holds the value of all other drives x-ored, so you can rebuild any one drive. Note that this only works, when you replace that drive on its own, not, when you replace 1 failed drive with 2. Adding a second parity allows any 2 drives to fail but tha...
In my case, I actually pulled out one of the 1.5TB mirror drives and installed a new 4TB drive to use as my new parity drive for unRAID (future proofing for a larger array in the future).Install unRAIDInstalling unRAID should be pretty straight forward. Just follow the standard ...
unavailable no parity-check entries logged=不可用(没有记录奇偶校验条目)。 Unraid API Error=Unraid API 错误 Unraid Forums=Unraid 论坛 Unraidnet account 帐户密码 Unraidnet Sign In to Recover 登录以恢复密钥 ...
When I needed more space, I bought a larger hdd and replaced the parity disk with it. I then moved the old parity drive into the array. I’ve been doing that until I got to 14TB parity drive. From here I’m just adding drives directly to the array. I’m now building a second ...
m not running a RAID and with every second day parity checks, I have little to lose, or so I think I do. Plus with backups of everything that is important, I’m really not worried at this point in time. Having a better card just doesn’t fit my needs or wants right now. I ...
As far as i know Unraid writes files to a single disk, what happens if a file is larger than the targeted drive? Probably wont happen but interesting from a theoretical point. I will probably be going for a two parity disk setup with a 1TB NVMe cache unless people here convince me oth...