转自:http://www.01happy.com/ssh-unprotected-private-key-file/ 在centos 6.4下使用ssh连接远程主机时,用的是另外一个密钥,需要用-i指明密钥文件,结果提示如下的错误: ssh指定密钥文件提示错误 大概意思就是说密钥权限的文件不能为777,不能被其他用户读取。 了解了问题后,修改密钥文件权限为700就OK了。
转载: https://blog.csdn.net/joshua2011/article/details/90208741 如果是在linux下,chmod 600就搞定了,但这是windows。 按如下方法去解决。 1)非常重要的一步: 在得到当前用户名(就如同在linux运行 id 命令一样) 在PowerShell 运行如下命令 $env:usernamedata<--- 显示是“data” 记住这个当前用户名,下面步...
简介: WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!执行命令访问密钥(rsa、key…)时报错: Error: @@@ @ WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! @ @@@ Permissions for './key/private.xxxx.key' are too open. It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others. This private key ...
[30600]: error: It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others. Aug 7 08:02:15 hostname sshd[30600]: error: This private key will be ignored. Aug 7 08:02:15 hostname sshd[30600]: error: bad permissions: ignore key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key Aug 7 ...
WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!的解决办法 使用git push 或 git pull 时出现如下问题 这是说**文件权限不能为0644,0644权限太开放了,要求你的**文件不能被其它用户读取。 所以我们现在需要修改一下**文件权限。 在命令行输入chmod 700 /home/homolo/.ssh/id_rsa 即可 /home/homolo/.s... ...
WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!Windows10 系统文件权限不足导致的SSH密匙无法添加的问题,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
This private key will be ignored. bad permissions: ignore key: /path/to/my/key.pem Permission denied (publickey). It's a common error to see when trying to log in to a server via SSH and a key file, and luckily it has a relatively easy fix. But before we get to that, let's ...
It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others. This private key will be ignored. bad permissions: ignore key: /home/geek/.ssh/id_rsa To fix this, you'll need to reset the permissions back to default:
File类---Day28 2019-12-04 00:23 −概述 java.io.File 类是文件和目录路径名的抽象表示,主要用于文件和目录的创建、查找和删除等操作。 构造方法 1.public File(String pathname) :通过将给定的路径名获得File对象 2.public File(String parent, Str... ...