维度在标识符前面的部分称为packed array,在标识符后面的部分称为unpacked array,一维的pakced array也称为vector。 packed array packed array只能由单bit数据类型(bit,logic,reg)、enum以及其他packed array和packed structure组成。packed array保证在内存中一定是一段连续的bit unpacked array unpacked array的元素数据...
问题描述: packed array和 unpacked array,是我在SV里学到的概念。 但是在quartus syn的时候,会报错。 解决方法: 1. packed array的概念 2.以sv格式添加... 查看原文 Systemverilog语言(3)---data types(1/2) ):表示位扩展信号,可以将每一位扩展为指定值;但是注意全1是不能扩展的,必须全部写出来,如上例...
On this issue I'm reporting: A bug(?) I found when trying to declare a parameter as a packed array (note that issue #846 refers to unpacked arrays). A suggestion/request to improve the error message displayed on unsupported features. I w...
在SystemVerilog中,打包(packed)和未打包(unpacked)向量是两种不同的向量类型。这两种类型的向量在内存布局和访问方式上有所不同。 打包向量(packed vectors) 是指向量中的元素在内存中是紧密排列的,它们共享相同的地址空间。这种类型的向量通常用于减少内存占用和提高性能。在SystemVerilog中,可以使用bit、logic或reg类...
"Error (10053): Verilog HDL error at rom_sin.v(274): can't index object "MY_ROM" with zero packed or unpacked array dimensions" Please tell me why this error occurs and how to fix it. Thank you so much! Translate Tags: Intel® Quartus® Prime Software 0 Kudos Rep...
Rumblings suggest a "hole-punch" display design for the front-facing camera — perhaps alluded to in the invite — while the rear-facing array could boast four high-resolution shooters. Long a platform reserved for Samsung's latest-and-greatest technology, Note 10 might also integrate...