1-D Packed and1-D Unpacked Array 下面是一个一维packed数组和1维unpacked数组的示例: module PU; logic [31:0] v1 [7:0]; //1-D packed & 1-D unpacked (memory) initial begin //Array Index 7 of unpacked v1[7] = 'h FF_FF_FF_FF; //equivalent to v1[7][31:0] $display(v1); ...
1. 维度在标识符前面的部分称为packed array,在标识符后面的部分称为unpacked array,一维的pakced array也称为vector。 packed array packed array只能由单bit数据类型(bit,logic,reg)、enum以及其他packed array和packed structure组成。packed array保证在内存中一定是一段连续的bit unpacked array unpacked array的元...
3-D Packed and 1-D Unpacked Array logic [2:0][1:0][7:0] uP [3:0]; 上面声明了一个1维unpacked数组uP,一共4项,每项是一个3维packed数组。如果每个unpacked数据项使用1word存储,那么总的存储空间是 4*1word * 2 因为1word装不下一个packed数组 原文标题:SystemVerilog中的Packed和Unpacked数组 文...
Packed + Unpacked Array 下面显示的示例演示了一个多维packed+unpacked数组。 moduletb;bit[3:0][7:0] stack [2][4];// 2 rows, 4 colsinitialbegin// Assign random values to each slot of the stackforeach(stack[i])beginforeach(stack[i][j])beginstack[i][j] =$random;$display("stack[%0...
Both packed and unpacked array parameters are a SystemVerilog feature that is not currently supported. 👍1 martinwhitakerclosed this as completedon Nov 16, 2024 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Metadata Assignees martinwhitaker ...
A packed array is a collection of things that can be used as 1 thing - a signed or unsigned integer. That's great for use-cases like packets where you construct 1 thing from many components, then operate on the packet as 1 thing, e.g. calculating a checksum or shifting its bits to...
And when I compiled it, I got an error: "Error (10053): Verilog HDL error at rom_sin.v(274): can't index object "MY_ROM" with zero packed or unpacked array dimensions" Please tell me why this error occurs and how to fix it. Thank you so much! Translate Tags: ...
问题描述: packed array和 unpacked array,是我在SV里学到的概念。 但是在quartus syn的时候,会报错。 解决方法: 1. packed array的概念 2.以sv格式添加... 查看原文 Systemverilog语言(3)---data types(1/2) ):表示位扩展信号,可以将每一位扩展为指定值;但是注意全1是不能扩展的,必须全部写出来,如上例...
When you declare an array, there are two types of dimensions: packed and unpacked. For example, imagine you have a variable that is 12 bits wide: bit[11:0] avar; Now, say that you want to treat these 12 bits as 3 groups of 4 bits: bit[2:0][3:0] a_packed_array; The array ...