// time complexity of an unordered_map #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using namespace std::chrono; int N = 55000; int prime1 = 107897; int prime2 = 126271; void insert(int prime) { // Starting the clock auto start = high_resolution_clock::now(); unordered_map<int...
源于https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/unordered_set的说明 Search, insertion, and removal have average constant-time complexity. Internally, the elements are not sorted in any particular order, bu...unordered_set使用介绍 unordered_set C++ 11,新的关联容器:unordered_set 基本介绍 set和ma...
#include <iostream>#include <unordered_set>voidprint(constauto&set){for(constauto&elem:set)std::cout<<elem<<' ';std::cout<<'\n';}intmain(){std::unordered_set<int>mySet{2,7,1,8,2,8};// creates a set of intsprint(mySet);mySet.insert(5);// puts an element 5 in the set...
#include<iostream>#include<unordered_set>using namespace std;intmain(){// 1. initialize a hash setunordered_set<int>hashset;// 2. insert a new keyhashset.insert(1);hashset.insert(2);hashset.insert(3);// 3. delete a keyhashset.erase(2);// 4. check if the key is in the hash...
C++11 unordered_set::hash_function C++11 unordered_set::insert C++11 unordered_set::key_eq C++11 unordered_set::load_factor C++11 unordered_set::max_bucket_count C++11 unordered_set::max_load_factor C++11 unordered_set::max_size C++11 unordered_set::operator= C++11 unordered_...
insert(s[i]); } if(set.count(ch) == 1){ cout<<"char "<<ch<<" is present so it will print: "; return true; } cout<<"char "<<ch<<" is not present so it will print: "; return false; } int main() { cout << isPresent("tutorialspoint", 't') << '\n'; return 0;...
t.insert(b.begin(), b.end());returnt; }intmain(intargc,char**argv){ unordered_set<string> first1;unordered_set<string>first2( {"one","two","three"} );unordered_set<string>first3( {"red","green","blue"} );unordered_set<string>first4( first2 );unordered_set<string>first5( c...
在C++中,可以使用std::pair作为哈希表(在C++中通常指的是std::unordered_map或std::unordered_set)的键值。然而,要确保键值可以被哈希化(也就是要为这个键值类型提供一个哈希函数)并且能够被比较(也就是要为这个键值类型提供一个等于运算符)。 关于不能作为键值的类型,那些没有默认的哈希函数或者无法用==运算符...
(const std::string& x: myset) std::cout << " " << x; std::cout << std::endl; myset.clear(); myset.insert("bed"); myset.insert("wardrobe"); myset.insert("nightstand"); std::cout << "myset contains:"; for (const std::string& x: myset) std::cout << " " << x...
std::unordered_multiset is an associative container that contains set of possibly non-unique objects of type Key. Search, insertion, and removal have average constant-time complexity. Internally, the elements are not sorted in any particular order, but organized into buckets. Which bucket an elem...