times. The cards themselves? Perfect. Sturdy, colorful, and ready to cause family drama. One minute you're laughing, the next you're questioning why you even bother trying to hold on to your “good” cards. Skip, Reverse, ...
UNO!™发布手游啦! 现在,我们可以把这个经典的纸牌游戏,从餐桌带到任何地方! 新的规则、游戏模式、竞技赛事、更多乐趣等着你。无论在家还是途中,无论你是UNO!™老玩家还是新手小白,UNO!™都老少皆宜。任何时间任何地点,UNO!™都是一款有趣且令人难忘的家庭纸牌游戏。
Reverse Card: This card can be of any of the 4 colors and you will have to play it after a card of the same color or type. When you play this card the direction or order in which the players play is reversed. Turn Jump Card: This card can be of any of the 4 colors and you ...
No matter what the occasion is, UNO seems the favorite choice for the group.The card deck contains four colors with numbers from 0 to 9, as well as action cards - "Reverse", "Skip", "Take Two", "Wild" and "Wild Take Four".Each player is dealt 7 cards with the remaining ones ...
76 number cards – 19 in each of the four Uno colors 24 special cards – each color has two Skip cards, two Draw 2 cards, and two Reverse cards 4 Wild cards 4 Wild Draw 4 cards 1 Wild Shuffle Hands card 3 blank cards for house rules...
If you’re unsure how to play regular UNO, it will help to familiarize yourself withhow to play UNO— so you will know what each card means. (For example: Wild cards, Skip cards, and Reverse cards). You play Spicy UNO just like traditional UNO, but with these fun twists: ...
Every card in the game of UNO: All Wild is literally a Wild Card. They had to introduce some new cards to be played in the game. the Wild Target +2 the Wild Swap Hands the Wild Double Skip the Wild Skip the Wild Reverse What do these do?
Perfect. Sturdy, colorful, and ready to cause family drama. One minute you're laughing, the next you're questioning why you even bother trying to hold on to your “good” cards. Skip, Reverse, Draw 2—they're basically just code for ...
Perfect. Sturdy, colorful, and ready to cause family drama. One minute you're laughing, the next you're questioning why you even bother trying to hold on to your “good” cards. Skip, Reverse, Draw 2—...