BOOLUnmapViewOfFile( [in] LPCVOID lpBaseAddress ); 参数 [in] lpBaseAddress 指向要取消映射的文件的映射视图基址的指针。 此值必须与之前调用MapViewOfFile系列中的函数之一返回的值相同。 返回值 如果该函数成功,则返回值为非零值。 如果函数失败,则返回值为零。 要获得更多的错误信息,请调用 GetLastError。
BOOL UnmapViewOfFile( LPCVOID lpBaseAddress ); ParameterslpBaseAddress [in] Pointer to the base address of the mapped view of a file to be unmapped. This value must be identical to the value returned by a previous call to the MapViewOfFile function.Return ValueNon...
CreateFileMapping MapViewOfFile UnmapViewOfFile函数用法及示例 create filed,一、***CreateFile*** 这个函数可以创建或打开一个对象的句柄,凭借此句柄就可以控制这些对象:控制台对象、通信资源对象、目录对象(只能打开)、磁盘设备对象、文件对象
if (!UnmapViewOfFile(pszMySharedMapView)) { AfxMessageBox("could not unmap view of file"); } 以下是一个示例程序: void CreateFileMappingEx() { DWORD timebegin = ::timeGetTime(); HANDLE fp = CreateFile(TEXT("E://jyzhj2.rar"),//这里输入需要复制的文件 src ...
BOOL UnmapViewOfFile( LPCVOID lpBaseAddress ); ParameterslpBaseAddress Pointer to the base address of the mapped view of a file that is to be unmapped. This value must be identical to the value returned by a previous call to the MapViewOfFile function.Return...
BOOL UnmapViewOfFile2( [in] HANDLE Process, [in] PVOID BaseAddress, [in] ULONG UnmapFlags ); Parameters [in] Process A HANDLE to the process from which the section will be unmapped. [in] BaseAddress The base address of a previously mapped view that is to be unmapped. This value must ...
BOOL UnmapViewOfFile2( [in] HANDLE Process, [in] PVOID BaseAddress, [in] ULONG UnmapFlags ); Parameters [in] Process A HANDLE to the process from which the section will be unmapped. [in] BaseAddress The base address of a previously mapped view that is to be unmapped. This value must ...
您遇到的问题是r5apex.exe文件无法找到入口,无法定位程序输入点Unmapviewoffileex于动态链接库。这可能是由于文件损坏、缺失、或者与您的系统不兼容。以下是一些建议来解决这个问题:1. 检查文件完整性:确保r5apex.exe文件没有损坏。您可以尝试从原始来源重新下载或安装应用程序。2. 更新操作系统和驱动程序...