I'm getting the same error code 9.0. I had 2 accounts merged (literally only SWGOH was on the 2nd account) I can't unlink from EA & it's day 12 of EA Help NOT being helpful AT ALL. Someone gotta fix this. I can't access the webstore or pc client for 12 days!!! Like ...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:madden-nfl-franchise-discussion-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:9096846"},"subject":"Re: I can't unlink my account from twitch","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:mo...
* By filling out and submitting this form, you agree that you have read our Privacy Policy, and agree to PaperCut handling your data in accordance with its terms. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply....
I can't tell which account it is, despite the site "help.ea.com/ca/help/account/find-your-ea-account-email-address-using-your-game/" saying i should be able to check from one of those games properties.I do not have any of those properties. I do not play sports games. ...
I want to unlink a deleted EA account from my PlayStation EA_Lanna 2 years ago Hi@egneiuohavn, If your console is connected to a deleted EA account, you won't be able to sever the connection. That option can only be found from the EA account settings. However, according to...
i cant unlink my facebook account but i unlinked from facebook but its not unlinking from the game fc mobile - 8032822
IMPORTANT: Do NOT unlink your accounts! @GameAnnouncements Do NOT unlink your account from your original EA account - this will remove all progress. Have two... - 5653655
I currently lost access to a steam account that was connected to my EA. (I launch Apex off the EA Launcher). If I unlink my previous steam account to my new... - 5928481
Please I haven’t used my ea account and i dont use my email nor know anything for it and the ea account is like stuck to my Xbox account this is bs pls email... - 6718098
I signed into my ea account for Xbox since that’s where I have all my stuff and w...","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjUuMXwyLjF8aXwxMHwzOToxfGludCw1ODkwMTc1LDU4OTAxNzU","node":{"__ref":"AcceptedSolutionMessage:...