Choose the platform account you want to set as active—it shouldn’t be the one you’re planning to unlink. Unlinking risks for Apex players If you unlink a platform account that you use to play Apex Legends, you might have issues with Battle Pass leveling, item unlocks, and other errors...
Hi there, @RevengeOfGibbon. We're not able to help with account issues through Answers HQ. Please try contacting @EAHelp through Twitter or open a case... - 7503066
i was met with the same message i got when i try to access any other EA property, namely the two i actually use, Apex Legends and Battlefield 4.that message was "User account is invalid".I have been told that this is because my Xbox account is associated with another email...
《Apex 英雄》玩家取消連結的風險 如果您將用來玩《Apex 英雄》的平台帳號取消連結,您可能會碰到戰鬥通行證等級、物品解鎖與其他錯誤的問題。 建議您以新帳號重新開始,而不是將您玩《Apex》的平台帳號取消連結然後重新連結。 遭停用和禁用的帳號 如果您的帳號已遭停用、禁用或停權,您將無法取消您平台帳號與 EA 帳號...
Like EA, Bethesda, Apex Connect, Ubisoft etc. How do I unlink my xbox account from these games accounts from within xbox or Microsoft. Many of these don't appear in the apps/services sections of Microsoft. Only way seems to be unlinking via those games accounts, having to go individually...
Apex 玩家解绑风险 如果您解绑你用来游玩《Apex Legends》的平台账户,您可能会遭遇战斗通行证等级和物品解锁等方面的问题以及其他错误。 与其取消绑定并重新绑定用于玩 Apex 的平台账户,我们建议您在新账户上重新开始。 禁用或封禁账户 如果您的账户已被禁用、封禁或封停,您将无法将平台账户与 EA 账户解绑。
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":9969159,"subject":"EA refuse to unlink from my xbox account","id":"message:9969159","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":1},"Conversation:conversation:9969159":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:9969159","solved":true,"topic":{"__ref":...
Last week I unlinked the Xbox account from its EA account, and linked it to the EA account (schnipps15) that is linked to my PS4. When I load apex up on my PS4, I have all of my cosmetics and whatnot. However, when I log into apex on my Xbox, I am having the problem so ...
Apex 玩家解绑风险 如果您解绑你用来游玩《Apex Legends》的平台账户,您可能会遭遇战斗通行证等级和物品解锁等方面的问题以及其他错误。 与其取消绑定并重新绑定用于玩 Apex 的平台账户,我们建议您在新账户上重新开始。 禁用或封禁账户 如果您的账户已被禁用、封禁或封停,您将无法将平台账户与 EA 账户解绑。
So I recently got back into Apex and I heard that cross progression was finally added which I was looking forward to. I signed into my ea account for Xbox... - 5890174