谷歌Fi,作为移动虚拟网络运营商界的巨擘,近日推出了一个令人惊喜的灵活选项——Simply Unlimited,专为那些追求无限制数据的用户而设计。这个新计划将Unlimited Plus服务层整合,现在以更为经济的方式呈现,同时保留了Flexibility的特性,让国际旅行者也能畅享无界体验。顾名思义,Simply Unlimited的价格相较...
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TheChase Freedom Flexand Chase Freedom Unlimited are two competitivecash-back credit cards. Both cards offer a money-saving no annual fee, plus similar cash-back categories. But while these cards rank neck-and-neck, the best option for you depends on how you want to earn cash back. ...
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GreenNet VPN is a hotspot VPN (Virtual Private Network) secure proxy for MacOS devices. GreenNet VPN encrypts your internet traffic, turns public Wi-Fi into a p…
UnlimitedPlus GoogleFi正在削减其两个无限手机流量计划的价格,此外还增加了更多的高速数据套餐。基础无限流量计划从60美元/月降至50美元/月,而全功能的无限增强计划现在是65美元/月,而之前的价格是70美元/月。这标志着Unlimited Plus和Simply Unlimited计划自2019年和2021年首次亮相以来的首次降价。更便宜的费用伴随着...
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