解决办法:error: unknown type name ‘__int64‘ 具体错误: win32/jni_md.h:35:9: error: unknown type name '__int64' typedef __int64 jlong; ^~~~ 1. 2. 3. 解决办法一(无效) #include <stdint.h> 1. 解决办法二(无效) -I /usr/include/sys 1. 解决办法三(有效) //这种方式 #define _...
后来分析得知,这种直接用gcc编译的代码,无法直接将kswdata认为成一个类。 解决办法: 在kswdata前面加上struct即可。
Keil MDK 5 Arm Compiler 6 SYMPTOM My project is configured for Arm Compiler 6. Despite the project build results in0 Error (s) - 0 Warning (s),µVision'sDynamic Syntax Checkingreports an error in a header file: error:unknown type name ... ...
src/tools/start.c:7:11: error: stray ‘\250’ in program src/tools/start.c:7:11: error: stray ‘\346’ in program src/tools/start.c:7:11: error: stray ‘\210’ in program src/tools/start.c:7:11: error: stray ‘\267’ in program src/tools/start.c:7:11: error: stray ‘\...
包含第三方头文件时,gcc编译后出现“error :unknown type name 'bool” 错误。 原因:原来C语言里面是没有bool(布尔)类型的,C++里面才有。 解决方案: 在C99标准里面,又定义了bool类型变量。这时,只要引入头文件 <stdbool.h>,
简介: 解决办法:error: unknown type name ‘__int64‘ 具体错误: win32/jni_md.h:35:9: error: unknown type name '__int64' typedef __int64 jlong; ^~~~ 解决办法一(无效) #include <stdint.h> 解决办法二(无效) -I /usr/include/sys 解决办法三(有效) //这种方式 #define __int64 long ...
Unknown type name error#1254 IIFEopened this issueOct 12, 2019· 7 comments Copy link Contributor IIFEcommentedOct 12, 2019 Brief Description OS: Windows 10 I'm trying to use CppSharp to generate C++/CLI bindings for a native C++ header. I have a repo that reproduces the issue, which can...
iOS 开发之"error: unknown type name 'NSString'"解决办法 问题出现和解决 因为我使用了pch文件,然后在pch文件中导入了一些文件,然后就编译报错了,具体什么原因没有细找,后面就移除掉pch文件,并把里面的导入文件导入到需要导入的地方就可以了,不做全局导入~...
iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:203:2:error:unknown type name'uint32_t'/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/usr/include/sys/resource.h:204:2:error:unknown type name'uint...
error: unknown type name 'USB_Descriptor_Configuration_Header_t'This is define in StdDescriptors.h of the library "ea_devkit_1788_usblib_device" which I also included in my workspace.I think I configured all the right way, the paths, the includes, the libraries, etc. I can't find what...