“unknown thread id”错误通常是由于应用程序尝试使用一个已关闭或无效的数据库连接。当前的MySQL连接在某些情况下可能会因为超时、连接丢失或多次使用而失效,从而导致上述错误。以下是可能导致该错误的一些常见原因: 连接超时:长时间未使用的连接会被MySQL服务器关闭。 不正确的连接管理:在多线程环境中,若连接不被正确...
I am using MySQL version 5.1.33-log with Connector/J for my web application. Issue is that when a query takes too long time to execute web application aborts the query and issues a 'Kill Query connection-id' query to mysql server but the server responds with 'unknown thread id xxxxx' ...
此时,我们会得到被锁住的线程ID。 使用kill命令终止该线程: KILL<thread_id>; 1. 将<thread_id>替换为查询到的线程ID。 总结 通过查询INNODB_LOCKS表并使用kill命令,我们可以解锁MySQL中被锁住的表,以便其他用户可以正常地对其进行操作。在开发过程中,当遇到表被锁住的情况时,可以使用该方法来解决问题。 希望本文...
In a simple application that monitors the process list of mysql server (with an eternal connection) dies and ends with this error message: events.js:45 throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: Unknown thread id: 58136806 a...
Unknown Thread ID#1166 Larishoopened this issueMay 24, 2018· 5 comments LarishocommentedMay 24, 2018• edited HikariCP version: 2.7.8 JDK version : 1.8.0_111 Database : MySQL Driver version : 5.1.45 I've been receiving this error message in production at random intervals and I don'...
I faced the same issue on Redhat Linux/ MySQL community version 5.0.77 - [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: unknown variable 'defaults-file=/var/lib/mysql/my.cnf' However, it worked for me in this way: If mysqld_safe is installed as /usr/bin/mysqld_safe, and mysqld binary exists in ...
other questions to consider. I'd like to know if you are setting any non-default connection properties in your connection string. It would also be useful to identify the queries that were run once this piece of code started executing, by turn on the general query log in your MySQL server...
[ERR] 1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci'大致原因:sql对应的mysql版本高于当前要导入的mysql库的版本,引发的1273错误。解决方案:打开sql文件,将文件中的所有utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci替换为utf8_general_ci,同时将utf8mb4替换为utf8。处理sql后重新在mysql库中导入sql文件即可。记录以备后查。...
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'softwares.name' in 'field list' Ci-dessous les informations des tables et ma requête : ___ mysql> SELECT softwares.name FROM softwares -> FULL JOIN devices ON SOFTWARES.HARDWARE_ID=DEVICES.HARDWARE_ID; ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'softwares.name...