如果字段确实不存在,可以添加该字段。 ALTERTABLE 表名ADDCOLUMN 字段名 VARCHAR(255);
全量迁移或同步期间DRS任务报错,日志提示信息:service DATAMOVE failed, cause by: apply event=[type=table_data, batch_index_in_shard=1, table_schema=%s, table_name=%s, record_num=5] occur error, msg=apply data of table=`%s`.`%s` failed: Unknown column '%s' in 'field list'。
the problem is that when I perform an Insert on the table "IngressosPress" I received this error : #1109 - Unknown table 'IngressosPress' in field list But I don't understand why! This is the table IngressosPress : CREATE TABLE `IngressosPress` ( `codiConcepte` varchar(40) default ''...
The MySQL unknown column in field list error happens when you put a column name in your SQL script that can’t be found by MySQL. I have created anemployeetable and inserted data as below: The following error message is thrown by MySQL when you attempt to insert data into a column that...
Just got this error on MySQL 4.1.15 on Debian GNU/Linux. The error message was: Unknown column 'asin' in 'field list' When performing: SELECT title, asin, isbn FROM fiction ORDER BY title; Given a fiction table: +---+---+---+---+---+---+ | Field | Type | Null | Key |...
t_ds_process_definition、t_ds_process_definition_log should add this field SbloodyS assigned xinxingi Apr 10, 2023 SbloodyS added backend and removed Waiting for reply labels Apr 10, 2023 This was referenced Apr 10, 2023 Dealing with table name case issues #13893 Closed [BUG] Missing...
解决办法:执行以下两条sql语句即可,注意如果你的表前缀不是pre_,请自行修改。 ALTER TABLE `pre_common_member_connect` ADD COLUMN conuintoken char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';ALTER TABLE `pre_common_connect_guest` ADD COLUMN conuintoken char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';...
13 Race Enabled: false TiKV Min Version: v3.0.0-60965b006877ca7234adaced7890d7b029ed1306 Check Table Before Drop: false 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select 1 as a,(select a union select a); ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'a' in 'field list'...
Bug #7501 Unknown column "XXX" in 'field list' Submitted: 23 Dec 2004 5:35Modified: 13 Jun 2013 12:38 Reporter: weetat yeo Email Updates: Status: Can't repeat Impact on me: None Category: Connector / ODBCSeverity: S2 (Serious) Version: 4.1.2 .alphaOS: Windows (Window ...
This is the error I get when I try to add data to the table, under the first record “TelType”: INSERT INTO `School`.`Instructor-Tel` (`TelType`, `TelNumber`) VALUES ("home", "3058887452") 1054: Unknown column ‘home’ in ‘field list’ ...