2. 安装Qt Charts模块 如果Qt Charts模块未安装,您需要根据您的Qt安装方式进行安装: 对于Qt Online Installer:运行Qt Online Installer,在组件选择界面勾选Qt Charts模块进行安装。 对于源代码编译:如果您是从源代码编译Qt,确保在配置Qt时包含了Qt Charts模块。
详细步骤如下: 1)进入C:\Qt\Qt5.3.1目录,双击 Qt error: Unknown module(s) in QT: charts serialbus Qterror:Unknownmodule(s)inQT:chartsserialbus 现象: 网上原因不同,我的原因为qmake配置问题。 使用一直没什么问题,已经打开的Qt软件...;“选项”->“构建和运行”,显示QtVersion消失了,选了一个默认的...
在.pro中引用了serialport与charts模块但未找到相应的库。 解决方法: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade qtcreator sudo apt-get install libqt5serialport5 libqt5charts5 libqt5charts5-dev 此时再次执行qmake仍然提示::Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: serialport 再次执行 sudo apt-get install li...
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: charts Is that module missing from the installation? SecondFlight Apr 24, 2020 • edited Yes, by default that module is not included. To install it, you need to use themodulesoption. Fromthe readme: ...
Qt error: Unknown module(s) in Qt:Charts 问题描述: 我在一台计算机的Qt 5.9.7写了用到饼状图的程序,是能正常运行的代码。 将这个程序拷贝到另一台计算机的Qt 5.7.0里运行,出现编译错误:error: Unknown module(s) in Qt:Charts。 可能的原因: 编译器识别不了QtCharts,可能是没有加头文件什么的。但...
On the screen shot above you didn't check "Desktop gcc 65-bit". In this case QT Creator may use a different QT installation. Sorry, something went wrong. AlbrechtLchanged the titleProject ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: chartsApr 26, 2018 ...
Ubuntu 17.04 seems to not have libqt5charts5*.deb README should probably mention: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/316647367/libqt5charts5_5.7.1-3_amd64.deb http://launchpadlibrarian.net/316647362/libqt5charts5-dev_5.7.1-3_amd64.deb Even ha...
The StackHPC capi-helm-charts are supposed to make this kind of deployment quick and easy. If they work, they are fine. If the deploy doesn't work, the user is left wandering for days in a complex maze of things they didn't know they needed. Zarquan mentioned this issue Jan 29, 20...