针对你提出的问题 "command failed" err="failed to parse kubelet flag: unknown flag: --network-p,我们可以从以下几个方面进行分析和解答: 1. 确认错误信息的来源和上下文 错误信息表明,kubelet 在尝试解析其启动标志时遇到了一个未知的标志 --network-p。这通常发生在 kubelet 的配置文件或启动命令中包含了不...
wrapped(_sys.argv) File "/home/jj301440/.conda/envs/jj_27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/absl/flags/_flagvalues.py", line 630, in call name, value, suggestions=suggestions) UnrecognizedFlagError: Unknown command line flag 'p'tensorflowbutler added the stat:awaiting response label Jul 9, 2018...
I used command docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 --name=portainer --restart=always --pull=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce And after that I have error unknown flag: --pull See 'docker run --help'. 👍 1 ...
The individual data sets are each mapped to a point on a parameter space (e.g., a Grassmannian manifold, a Stiefel manifold, a flag manifold, etc.), and the set of unlabeled images is mapped to a point in the same parameter space. If the point associated with the set of unlabeled ...
今天安装k8sV1.16的版本时候,执行突然发现命令不对,之前安装V1.15的时候是可以的,可能是版本升级的原因。 解决: unknown flag: --experimental-upload-certs,将–experimental-upload-certs 替换为 --upload-certs [root@k8s-master opt]#kubeadm init --config=kubeadm-config.yaml --experimental-upload-certs | ...
大家好,我是前端西瓜哥。今天来学习 TS 中几个比较特殊的类型:any、never、never、void。 any any 表示任意类型。 它是任意类型的父类,任意类型的值都可以赋予给 any 类型: // 编译不会报错 let anything: any = '前端西瓜哥'; let flag: boolean = true; ...
* you to supply a PNG_INFO_ flag, and check info_ptr->valid before writing * the chunk, as that will keep the code from breaking if you want to just * write a plain PNG file. If you have long comments, I suggest writing
错误4:Unable to start docker Container from docker-compose “unknown flag: iidfile”解决方案:docker-compose版本太高了,需要降下来 百度网盘下载:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cxuly3dRoZ8BgVklmxfriQ 密码:rcqi 4.3.1.compose文件# 查看课前资料提供的cloud-demo文件夹,里面已经编写好了docker-compose文件,...
(Chrome may falsely flag the download as malicious, but it's safe to ignore.)Supported PlatformsThe game's engine is made for Windows only, with no native support for other platforms.The multi-platform EasyRPG Player mimics the behavior of RM2K and RM2K3, but may not always be exact. ...
Run your yt-dlp command with -vU flag added (yt-dlp -vU <your command line>) Copy the WHOLE output (starting with [debug] Command-line config) and insert it below Complete Verbose Output [debug] Command-line config: ['-vU', 'https://vk.com/video/playlist/-24440848_54694294'] [debug...