综上所述,unknown command verb daemon-reload错误通常是由于拼写错误导致的。通过检查并修正命令的拼写,可以解决这个问题。同时,注意命令的拼写和格式也是避免类似错误的关键。
Powershell.exe -Command "& {Start-Process Powershell.exe -ArgumentList '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File %~dp0Reset-Ie-Default.ps1' -Verb RunAs}" Now close Teams, Internet Explorer and Outlook (if they're open) and just double-click onResetIE.batwhenever you need to reset your status. I ...
Make sure your firewall is enabled. When I turned mine off to test a different issue, I started getting this. Re-enabling windows firewall resolved the issue on Feb 14, 2020
Hi Brandon, Sorry for the delay in getting this to you. Next yii\db\Exception: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'dateDeleted' in 'where clause' The SQL being executed was: SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements`.`fieldLayoutId`, `elements`.`uid`, `elements`.`enabl...
"command failed"err="failed to parse kubelet flag: unknown flag: --network-plugin-dir" 解决办法: 1、问题1和问题2 --cni-bin-dir string <警告: Alpha 特性>搜索CNI插件二进制文件的完整路径。默认值: /opt/cni/bin --cni-conf-dir string <警告: Alpha 特性> 搜索CNI插件配置文件的完整路径。默认...
kubectl exec -it pod名称 报错:error: unable to upgrade connection: Forbidden (user=k8s-apiserver, verb=create, resource=nodes, sub 其原因是括号里的user k8s-apiserver这个用户没有权限,当然,可能别的用户也没权限,只看括号里的user后面是什么,给该用户提权到cluster-admin就可以了: kubectl create clusterr...
Powershell.exe -Command "& {Start-Process Powershell.exe -ArgumentList '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File %~dp0Reset-Ie-Default.ps1' -Verb RunAs}" Now close Teams, Internet Explorer and Outlook (if they're open) and just double-click on ResetIE.bat whenever you need to reset your s...