SP2-0042:unknown command"SH"-restOFline ignored. SP2-0044:FORa listOFknown commands enter HELP ANDTOleave enterEXIT. SP2-0042:unknown command"IX"-restOFline ignored. SP2-0042:unknown command"PM"-restOFline ignored. SP2-0042:unknown command"BI"-restOFline ignored. ...
Monday, June 24, 2019 12:03 PM ✅Answered I was using azcopy for Windows from thisportal. the version is: prettyprint c:\azcopy>azcopy --help AzCopy 10.1.2 Project URL: github.com/Azure/azure-storage-azcopy but after I downloaded azcopy using a link from "import data wizard" - ...
在电脑刚刚启动时,按“F8”键,选择“Command Prompt only”进入DOS模式(操作系统必须为Win95/98,若为Win2000/XP请使用DOS启动盘),执行“scandisk x:”(X为盘符),Scandisk程序便会检查硬盘,对产生的逻辑坏道会自行弹出对话框,选择“Fix it”对逻辑坏道进行初级修复。如扫描程序在某一进度停滞...
03-31-2024 03:04 PM "PLI" command unknown Hi everyone! As most autocad users, I use the polylign command almost all the time. But on my Mac version, when I write the command PLI (which seems to be the shortcut for the polylign version since it appears on the suggested comma...
一、除尘、散热,给风扇上油或更换风扇 。二、进安全模式杀毒。三、扫描修复磁盘逻辑文件错误。在我的电脑窗口—右击C盘图标—属性—工具—在查错“开始检查”中勾选“自动修复文件错误”和“扫描并试图修复坏扇区”—开始—问是否重启修复,选“是”—手动重启后显示修复、扫描进程(用时较长,耐心等待...
1. vSphere CLI: Error: Unknown Command 2 Recommend SKIRK505 Posted Jun 21, 2013 12:33 PM Reply Reply Privately This could be as simple as me just missing something, but since I don't use the CLI very much at all, I thought I would just ask. I can connect to the CLI, but no ...
Your command: .\uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8mm -a -e -u trusty But in your screenshout, iMX8MQ is used. 2. the link is for hardware connections. When the imx8mmevk enter ino the download mode ,it report the error 3. the link is for i.MX8MQ , and for i.MX8MM,...
"An unknown command-line option [/auto] was specified." Monday, July 1, 2019 4:52 PM |1 vote Hello, Are you using an unattended file? Where did you get the media from? If you are clicking on the exe to run it, you should not get this error, nor should you get the error when...
mysqldump results in "Unknown command '\''" error? Posted by:Mo Sayed Date: September 29, 2009 04:56PM I created a mysqldump that I'm trying to restore on a new server. However when trying to restore the dump I'm getting the error: ...
原博文 adb调试显示adb: usage: unknown command device 2020-07-23 16:41 −... IT_Allen 0 5856 ADB 2019-12-19 11:34 −1.安装SDK 配置环境变量 1.桌面计算机右键属性—>高级系统设置—>环境变量 2.在系统变量一栏中,点击新建,变量名输入ANDROID_HOME,变量值为SDK的路径:D:\sdk-x86\sdk 3.在系...