CI今日构建时报出如下错误: /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Snowball-ebllohyukujrncbaldsfojfjxwep/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/ProjectName/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications// unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff...
出现Unknown CMake command "add_compile_definitions"错误的原因可能是使用了过时的CMake版本。add_compile_definitions命令是在CMake 3.12版本中引入的,如果使用的CMake版本较老,就会出现该错误。 另外,有些项目可能使用了自定义的CMake脚本或宏,并将其命名为add_compile_definitions,这可能会导致CMake无法识别该命令...
I am trying to build opencv with these extra modules, but CMake fails to generate Makefiles. I run the following command cmake ../opencv -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_QT=ON -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../opencv_contrib/modules -G "Unix Makefiles" and get the following error: C...
【摘要】 解决问题:Unknown CMake command "add_compile_definitions"在使用CMake构建C++项目时,有时可能会遇到以下错误信息:Unknown CMake command "add_compile_definitions"。这个错误提示表明在CMakeLists.txt文件中使用了一个未知的CMake命令add_compile_definitions。问... 解决问题:Unknown CMake command "add_...
raven@ubuntu:~/libprotobuf-mutator/examples/libfuzzer/build$ cmake .. CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:25 (protobuf_generate_cpp): Unknown CMake command "protobuf_generate_cpp". CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt: No cmake_minimum_required command is present. A line of code such as...
ERR unknown command `KEYS`, with args beginning with: 1:问题描述 使用缓存注解@Cacheable进行缓存,@CacheEvict进行匹配删除时,由于条件是前缀 + *,于是发生了如下错误: 2:原因 这个错误已经说明了问题,就是你的redis禁用了keys命令 3:解决方案 3.1:重写源码的clean方法,把里面的keys改为scan 源码地址:org....
When importing mujoco_py according tothisdocumentation, the cymj extension build fails with a clang-10 error (see below). This error also occurs when I dobrew uninstall gcc && brew install gcc@x(while x being 6,8,9). Also executing this command didn't help:conda install -c ...
[Modelarts Service Log]command: code/ --data_url=s3://testzx1/output/ --train_url=s3://testzx1/output/1212/output/V0004/ [Modelarts Service Log]local_code_dir: [Modelarts Service Log][modelarts_create_log] modelarts-pipe found ...
Hi@liming0101, please use the command/sig xxxto add a SIG label to this issue. For example:/sig sqlengineor/sig storageengineor/sig omor/sig aiand so on. You can find more SIG labels fromHere. If you have no idea about that, please contact with@xiangxinyong,@zhang_xubo. ...
Hi I am trying to run this command on Jupyter: from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor however I got the following error, I already tried to reinstall scipy using the correct python version and also using the installer for Win...