针对您遇到的 sp2-0734: unknown command beginning "lsnrctl st..." - rest of line ignored 错误,这个错误通常不是由 lsnrctl 命令本身引起的,而是与SQLPlus或SQLcl等Oracle命令行工具的环境有关。这个错误提示表明SQLPlus或SQLcl无法识别 lsnrctl 命令,因为这不是它们的内置命令。lsnrctl 是Oracle用于管理监听器的...
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "lsnrctl st..." - rest of line ignored. Cause(原因): Command was being entered as an SQL command. 在SQL命令窗口输入命令。 Resolution(解决方法): Perform the command from the unix command line as the oracle user, that is, do "sudo su - oracle" or "...
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "lsnrctl st..." - rest of line ignored. Cause(原因): Command was being entered as an SQL command. 在SQL命令窗口输入命令。 Resolution(解决方法): Perform the command from the unix command line as the oracle user, that is, do "sudo su - oracle" or "...
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "lsnrctl st..." - rest of line ignored. 2018-01-07 19:58 −... 杨杨yang 0 6617 Unknown CMake command "cuda_add_library". 2019-12-25 08:52 −基于CMake构建C/C++程序,报错提示说: >Unknown CMake command "cuda_add_library". 仔细检查了CMakeLists...