[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'file_id' in 'where clause'", "Code": 1054, "Trace": [ { "file": "/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/DB/QueryBuilder/QueryBuilder.php", "line": 295, "function": "wrap", "class": "OC\\DB\\Exceptions\\DbalException", "type": "::...
Herethe Remittance table do not have direct link with Invoice table. The money returned may be part on a invoice or without it. The Remittance table do have a name column which keep Invoice number and possibly match to a invoice in Invoice table. Now let see, how current code is written...
SELECT * FROM officebusiness WHERE mark = 'officebusiness' ORDER BY itemgrade desc,id desc 执行错误: Unknown column 'mark' in 'where clause' /www/wwwroot/web/www.31ba.com/SpeedPHP/Drivers/mysql.php on line 62 57.{ 58.$this->arrSql[] =$sql; ...
"Unknown column 'storage' in 'where clause'" Thanks for helping. Grumble...unknown Problem Similar TutorialsView Content So I've been working on this site for a few days now, and it's coming along slow but well. I'm trying to learn as much as possible about the coding I'm doing be...