针对你提出的关于unknown cmake command "qt_add_resources"的问题,我将按照你提供的tips逐一进行分析和回答: 确认qt_add_resources是否为CMake官方命令: qt_add_resources并非CMake的官方命令。CMake的官方命令列表可以在其官方文档中找到,而qt_add_resources并不在其中。 如果非官方命令,查找是哪个库或工具提供的...
I tried building TEA 62.1.2 on macOS 12.7.1 with CMake 3.28.0-rc5 and Qt 5.15.11 installed using MacPorts. It failed, saying: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:28 (qt_standard_project_setup): Unknown CMake command "qt_standard_project_setup". ...
(found version "3.8.8") -- Found PythonLibs: /usr/lib64/libpython3.8.so -- LTO enabled -- version: v4.2, base version: -- building with MTPZ support -- Using Qt5 CMake Error at qt/CMakeLists.txt:60 (qt5_add_translation): Unknown CMake command "qt5_add_translation". -- ...
2023-10-03 01:27:46.893 [warning] unknown @ 0 - Attribute Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts must be set before QCoreApplication is created. 2023-10-03 01:27:46.915 [debug] unknown @ 0 - Adding host command: close mapped to KonvergoWindow::close ...
I am not a cmake user, but I did the following in MacOs, which gave me the following error: brew install qt Qt5_DIR="/usr/local/opt/qt" cmake src/ Gives the following error: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:22 (QT5_WRAP_UI): Unknown CMake c...
| CMake Error at cockatrice/CMakeLists.txt:202 (QT5_ADD_TRANSLATION): | Unknown CMake command "QT5_ADD_TRANSLATION". DaenythcommentedSep 21, 2015 Did you pass CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH? Post the entire output DaenythTroubleshootingSep 21, 2015 ...
Thanks for looking into this. I took a look at it last week as well. Many of the problems I encountered only appeared when I started trying to use it to build qt-gui-cpp. I had to add a few host tools (like python3-pyqt-build-native) and heavy work on sip3 to make qt-gui-cp...
Type: Bug I installed the Remote-SSH extension and connected to a remote host (Linux). I installed the Python extension on the remote host I opened a Python file. The "Discovering Python interpreters" status message appears indefinitely...