将stylelint.config.js使用以下内容命名的文件放入项目的根文件夹中。 module.exports = {extends: ["stylelint-config-standard"],rules: {"at-rule-no-unknown": [true,{ignoreAtRules: ["tailwind","apply","variants","responsive","screen",],},],"declaration-block-trailing-semicolon": null,"no-d...
"name": "@apply", "description": "Use the `@apply` directive to inline any existing utility classes into your own custom CSS. This is useful when you find a common utility pattern in your HTML that you’d like to extract to a new component.", "references": [ { "name": "Tailwind ...
"scss.validate": false, 效果如下: 最后重启VSCode,@apply上面的警告应该消失了。
For anyone in the future, if you are working in VSCode, you need to disable the lint rule ofunknownAtRules. Create.vscodeat the root of your project Create file namedsettings.json Identify the filetype you are using for examplecssorscss Create an empty json object{} Inside json object add...
您可以添加我认为“scss.lint.unknownAtRules”:“忽略”.忽略这类消息 希望能有所帮助 ...
-stylelint-scssrules:no-empty-source:~block-no-empty:~color-no-invalid-hex:truecomment-empty-line-before: -always-ignore: -stylelint-commands-after-commentindentation: -2-except: -valuemax-empty-lines:1unit-whitelist:[ px, '%', em ]#at-rule-no-unknown:#- true#- {ignoreAtRules: ['ex...
简介:如何解决出现Unknown at rule @applyscss(unknownAtRules)警告? 在nuxt框架当中使用tailwindcss出现:@apply下面出现警告 怎么取消这个警告呢? 安装Stylelint 首先,我们需要安装Stylelint本身和一个包含合理标准配置的包。 npm install --save-dev stylelint stylelint-config-standard ...
A step-by-step illustrated guide on how to resolve the Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) warning in multiple ways.
If you are using TailwindCSS in your project, you have probably already encountered the warning messageUnknown at rule @tailwind. If you use VSCode, you can see the wavy underline in the CSS file and the warning list in theProblemstab. ...