mkdir new_directory 4、rmdir rmdir命令用于删除空目录,如果要删除非空目录,可以使用rm -r命令: rmdir non_empty_directory rm -r non_empty_directory 5、cp cp命令用于复制文件或目录,你可以使用以下选项来定制复制操作: -r:递归复制目录及其内容。 -i:在覆盖目标文件之前提示用户确认。 -v:显示复制过程中的...
lienhua34:demo$ls-l mydir 总用量8-rw-rw-r--1lienhua34 lienhua3499月1820:21file1-rw-rw-r--1lienhua34 lienhua3499月1820:22file2 lienhua34:demo$gcc-o rmdirdemo rmdirdemo.c lienhua34:demo$ ./rmdirdemormdirmydir error: Directory not empty 例子2: 下面程序删除空目录 emptydir,在进程尚...
1.3.9 删除目录:rmdir命令 rmdir命令可以用来删除目录。如果指定的目录中包含任何文件和子目录,rmdir不会继续进行处理,这样就避免了误删文件的可能。 要删除目录/users/pat,可以这样做: $rmdir /users/patrmdir: pat: Directory not empty $ 操作错误!让我们来删除之前创建的misc目录: $rmdir /users/steve/misc$ ...
[root@localhost lpi103-2]# cp text1 d1/d2/ [root@localhost lpi103-2]# rmdir -p d1/d2/d3 dir1 dir2 rmdir: failed to remove directory `d1/d2': Directory not empty [root@localhost lpi103-2]# ls ./d1/d2 text1 [root@localhost lpi103-2]# rm d1/d2/text1 rm: remove re...
rmdir:dirnamenot empty To delete a directory that contains files or subdirectories: Entercddirnameto get into the directory you want to delete. Enterrm *to remove all files in that directory. Entercd go to the parent directory.
val rmdir : string -> unit Remove an empty directory.val chdir : string -> unit Change the process working directory.val getcwd : unit -> string Return the name of the current working directory.val chroot : string -> unit Change the process root directory....
voidnss_MD_unix_map_rmdir_error(interr){ PRErrorCode prError;switch(err) {caseEEXIST: prError = PR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR;break;caseEINVAL: prError = PR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR;break;caseETIMEDOUT: prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;break;default:nss_MD_unix_map_default_error(err);retu...
In most other respects, rmdir behaves like unlink. There are two additional errno error conditions defined for rmdir: ENOTEMPTY EEXIST The directory to be deleted is not empty. These two error codes are synonymous; some systems use one, and some use the other. ...
This Chapter may refer to supplier data, furnished with the aircraft, in lieu of the following sections -00 through -70, as applicable Overhaul data, considered applicable by the manufacturer, may be ...
True False The rmdir command (with no options) can only remove empty directories. True False The / at the beginning of a pathname stands for the root directory. True False The name .HIDDEN is an example of a hidden file. True False (dot) and .. (dot dot) represent the current and ...