so if you're sure your line endings also have the LF char (Windows uses CRLF as the line ending) then you can just remove all the CRs at the ends of the lines ($ matches at the end of a line, before the last "\n"):
设置(转换文件格式) :set endofline/noendofline 设置文件末尾是否自动增加换行符 :set list/nolist 设置是否显示不可见字符,注意此选项受set listchars约束 :%s/\n//g 删除换行符 总结见如下表: #(1)'/var/log/nginx/access.log')do|file|file.eachdo|line|url=line.split[6] #(2)counts[url]+=1 #(3)end end{|url,count|[count,url]}.sort.reverse[0...5] #(4)top5.each{|count,url|puts"#{count} #{url}"} #(5) 标号对应代码...
24 Giving an application control of the command line (ECHO | NOECHO)...24 Ending 3270 passthrough mode (ENDPASSTHROUGH)...24 The escape character (ESCAPE)...
服务 /etc/services servent getservbyname / getservbyport setservent / getservent / endservent 用户登录 /var/run/utmp /var/log/wtmp utmp getutid / getutline setutent / getutent / endutent 从表中可以看到不论是查询还是遍历,接口具有某种一致性: 查询接口遵循:getxxname / getxxbyname / getxxbyxx...
End Of File (EOF) handling when attempting serial use of a pipe. Once a Win32 process has closed a pipe it is writing to, it is not possible for an Interix application to serially use that pipe. For example, this command will display only the contents of file1: Copy (cmd.exe /c...
stCh.iFd = iSendFd; stCh.iCodecType = iCodecType;union{structcmsghdrcm;charspace[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int))]; } cmsg;if(stCh.iFd ==-1) { msg.msg_control =NULL; msg.msg_controllen =0; }else{ msg.msg_control = (caddr_t) &cmsg; ...
[<CommonParameters>] Get-FileTail [-LiteralPath] <String[]> [-Count <Int32>] [-Encoding <EncodingParameter>] [-LineTerminator <String>] [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>] DESCRIPTION This implentation efficiently tails the cotents of a file by reading lines from the end rather then processing ...
In this case, the code simply moves to a native Windows environment, with no further need for the UNIX development environment. At the other end of the scale, when a ported application requires ongoing cross-platform development, UNIX and Windows development environments must be well integrated....