tar -zxvf file.tgz .:从.tgz文件中解压文件 man:手册(mancommand) zip file.zip file:将文件压缩为.zip文件 unzip file.zip:解压.zip文件 四、Ubuntu Linux系统管理 1.用户账户信息保存在/etc/passwd文件中 2.添加新用户可使用命令`sudo adduser username` 3.为确保用户能够使用sudo,需要在/etc/sudoers文件...
或help [command] 命令帮助 binary 设定以二进制方式传送文件 ascii 设定以ASCII方式传送文件(缺省值) cd [directory] 改变远程目录 pwd 列出当前远端主机目录 dir [r-dir] [l-file] 显示远程目录内容,r-dir表示远程目录,l-file表示本地文件。如果有本地文件,就将结果写至本地文件 ls [r-dir] [l-file] ...
--ignore-command-error 忽略子进程的退出代码 --no-ignore-command-error 将子进程的非零退出代码觉得错误发生 -O, --to-stdout 解压文件至标准输出 --to-command=COMMAND 将解压的文件通过管道传送至还有一个程序 操作文件属性: --atime-preserve[=METHOD] 在输出的文件上保留訪问时间,要么通过在读取(默认 MET...
17. unzip command examples To extract a *.zip compressed file: $ unzip test.zip View the contents of *.zip file (Without unzipping it): $ unzip -l jasper.zip Archive: jasper.zip Length Date Time Name --- --- --- --- 40995 11-30-98 23:50 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 32169 08-25-98...
This subchapter looks atunzip, a UNIX (and Linux) command. unzipis used to uncompress .zip files. other On November 8, 2010, Ramesh Natarajan named this the number 17 most frequently used UNIX/Linux command at this web page50 Most Frequently Used UNIX / Linux Commands (With Examples). ...
$ unzip archive.zip -x file1 file2 file3 Overwrite a file while unzipping Suppose you have already unzipped your files and you are once again, running the command again. When this happens, you will be prompted whether you want to overwrite the file, skip the extraction, rename of skip th...
7. vim command examples Go to the 143rd line of file $ vim +143 filename.txt Go to the first match of the specified $ vim +/search-term filename.txt Open the file in read only mode. $ vim -R /etc/passwd More vim examples:How To Record and Play in Vim Editor ...
16. bzip2 command examples To create a *.bz2 compressed file: $ bzip2 test.txt To uncompress a *.bz2 file: bzip2 -d test.txt.bz2 More bzip2 examples: BZ is Eazy! bzip2, bzgrep, bzcmp, bzdiff, bzcat, bzless, bzmore examples 17. unzip command examples To extract a *.zip compressed...
Sr.No.Command & Description 1 compress Compresses files 2 gunzip Helps uncompress gzipped files 3 gzip GNU alternative compression method 4 uncompress Helps uncompress files 5 unzip List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
Re: How to extract a .zip file on unix? You need the unzip command. http://hpux.ee.ualberta.ca/hppd/hpux/Misc/unzip-5.52/ Por que hacerlo dificil si es posible hacerlo facil? - Why do it the hard way, when you can do it the easy way?