可通过下面命令来查看xx是几: lslv -m hd5 · 关于硬件 显示机器硬件是32位还是64位: bootinfo -y 查看机器的物理内存是多少: bootinfo -r 或 lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem 查看机器是否支持64位内核(是否64位硬件) /usr/sbin/bootinfo -p 如果返回32,则表示硬件是32位的;如果返回的是chrp,则表示硬件...
在本机上直接键入telnet 将进入本机的telnet 20 ipconfig 查看本地ip地址。 不加参数显示当前机器的网络接口状态。 /all 先是详细的信息。 /release 释放当前ip。 /renew 重新申请ip。 /flushdns 刷新dns缓存。 /registerdns 重新栽dns服务器上注册自己。 21 arp 查看和处理ARP缓存,ARP是名字解析的意思,负责把...
This also allows the user to for example run the command: xterm -e /bin/login. o A domain name suffix such as @.some.dom, meaning that the user may rlogin/telnet from any host whose domain name has the suffix .some.dom. o A range of IPv4 addresses, written @x.x.x.x/y.y....
-n Only process directories specified on the command line. Don’t process the trusted directories (/lib and /usr/lib) nor those specified in /etc/ld.so.conf. Implies -N. -N Don’t rebuild the cache. Unless -X is also specified, links are still updated. -X Don’t update links....
python36-ifcfg.noarch : Python cross-platform network interface discovery (ifconfig/ipconfig/ip) moreutils.x86_64 : Additional unix utilities net-tools.x86_64 : Basic networking tools python2-psutil.x86_64 : A process and system utilities moduleforPython ...
The following code shows the remote execution of the ipconfig.exe command:] Copy $ rsh remotesystem "/dev/fs/C/WINNT/system32/ipconfig.exe < /dev/null 2>&1 | cat" You can also execute Win32 command shell (cmd.exe) commands. Execution of a remote "dir" command is: Copy $ ...
If thehost_namevalue is specified as a host name (not an IP address), the command invokes the resolver to obtain an IP address for the host name. The command uses the first IP address that is returned by the resolver. Use the-Aoption to specify whether the command requests only IPv4 ...
Table 1lists the new and updated Communications Server z/OS UNIX netstat command. SeeTable 1for the other (the non-netstat) z/OS UNIX command entries. Seez/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commandsfor more detailed information about the z/OS UNIX commands. ...
>nslookup microsoft.com -- would return MS's main registered IP address. An easier way to do this is to use the ipconfig command: >ipconfig /all That command should return any IP addresses for adapters in your machine. hope that helps Upvote 0 Downvote Aug 14, 2001 #4 StarTAC IS...