Margot NortheyJudi Jewinski
Unix Shell Programming, Adobe Reader, 3rd EditionStephen G. KochanPatrick Wood
Brian Kernighan《The C Programming Language》、《The UNIX Programming Environment》及《The Practice of Programming》等几本书的作者之一,也是awk编程语言的作者之一。 David Korn,korn shell的创始人,也是《The New Korn Shell Command and Programming Language》的作者。
15.4. Back quote The back quote is the one to use when you want to assign output from system commands to variables. It tells the shell to take whatever is … - Selection from Linux and Unix Shell Programming [Book]
With more and more systems being run under UNIX and Linux, the ability to program and customize the shell quickly and reliably to get the best out of any individual system is becoming a more and more important skill for anyone operating and maintaining these systems. This comprehensive book is...
Shell 编程初步编程初步 编程初步编程初步 微机群微机群 PC-Cluster)、)、并行计算并行计算 MPI并行函数库并行函数库 微机群微机群 )、)、并行计算并行计算 并行函数库并行函数库 Linux系统下的图形界面软件开发系统下的图形界面软件开发 GNOME/Gtk、、Qt 系统下的图形界面软件开发系统下的图形界面软件开发 、、 小结...
communications with ssh and scp-plus dozens of tips for making your OS X system more secure * Expert guidance on basic and advanced shell programming with bash and tcsh * Tips and tricks for using the shell interactively from the command line * Thorough guides to vi and emacs designed to ...
The real benefit of SFU for those scripts is the much richer shell and utility environment. One task that was a never ending problem, especially for my database administrators, was knowing how much hard drive space they were consuming. Yes, they would be notified when they had gone too far...
LearningthebashShellUnixProgramming40InaNutshell 系统标签: bashunixlearningprogrammingreillynewham CameronNewhamLearningthebashShell:UnixShellProgramming(InaNutshell(O'Reilly))Language:EnglishCategory:UnixPages:354Publisher:O'ReillyMedia;ThirdEditionedition(April5,2005)ISBN:978-0596009656Format:PDF/Kindle/ePubSize:...