Unix notes: shell games. (Tech Section)VaughanNichols, Steven J
我记得 Bellcore 有一位开发经理,他在人们还没有谈论“快速原型化”和“敏捷开发”前好几年就反对所谓的“需求”文化。他从不提交冗长的规格说明,而是把一些 shell 脚本和 awk 代码结合在一起,使其基本能够完成所需要的任务,然后告诉客户派几个职员来使用这些原型,问他们是否喜欢。如果喜欢,他就会说“在多少多少...
When we got a PDP-11 around 1971, we did get DECtape, and did save some material, though not enough. A few years ago Keith Bostic and Paul Vixie resurrected a PDP-11 DECtape drive and offered to read any old tapes we might have around, and I sent several to them. These notes are...
The C shell CSH manual In PDF A list of DOS commands, and their UNIX counterparts Q: How does a Unix guru have sex? A: unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; umount; sleep PDF Unix manuals Networking Implementation Notes for BSD 4.3 In PDFThis is the Full Documentation...
Linux Learning Site and Documentation Linux 文档项目(Linux Documentation Project)旨在给 Linux 操作系统提供自由、高质量文档。网站是由志愿者创建和维护的。网站分为具体主题的帮助、由浅入深的指南等。在此我想推荐一个非常好的文档,这个文档既是一个教程也是一个 shell 脚本编程的参考文档,对于新用户来说这个 ...
Some functionality may be lost when running under older versions of ZSH, but it should degrade cleanly and allow you to use the same setup on multiple machines of differing OSes without problems. fresh fresh is a tool to source shell configuration (aliases, functions, etc) from others into ...
Close and reopen your Terminal/iTerm window torefresh contextand use the plugin. Alternatively, you can runantigen bundle unixorn/git-extra-commandsin a running shell to haveantigenload the new plugin. oh-my-zsh If you're usingoh-my-zsh: ...
Linux Learning Site and Documentation Linux 文档项目(Linux Documentation Project)旨在给 Linux 操作系统提供自由、高质量文档。网站是由志愿者创建和维护的。网站分为具体主题的帮助、由浅入深的指南等。在此我想推荐一个非常好的文档,这个文档既是一个教程也是一个 shell 脚本编程的参考文档,对于新用户来说这个 ...
bashShell:UnixShellProgramming(InaNutshell(O'Reilly))thatyou'renevertoooldtoenjoy. Youcandownloadunlimitedbooksusingoursite-wewillofferaveryattractivesetofeBooks, especiallyinnonfictionandgenrefiction.Takenotesandcreatebookmarks.Ourpdfbooksarefor everyage.Watchformoredetails. ...
Real full disk encryption using GRUB on Artix Linux for BIOS and UEFI Published on 2021-02-10 | Modified on 2022-07-18 Some of the problems with the GPL Published on 2021-02-02 | Modified on 2023-10-28 The terminal, the console and the shell - what are they? Published on 2021-01...